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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Welcome to the forum mate lots of friendly and experienced people here to give you advice
  2. Legend mate! I've also PM'd Zmanalex and he said he may have one spare. I'll see if the plastidip covers up the crack but probably still get a new one anyway for peace of mind. Thanks Ian Chirag the cracks will probably still show through the plastidip paint unfortunately. If you want to still use the cracked piece the best way to sort it is to use car body filler to fill in the cracks where it joins. Then sand it back until the surface is smooth again. Then when you paint it you shouldn't be able to see the join. Otherwise I'd just get a new piece if you can. You're right mate, I gave it a try but no good cracks still showing On the flip side Alex has managed to find me a spare one so it's all good!
  3. Thanks guys - I know I've PM'd you about this already Alex - is the passenger side switch surround not the same in all models? I know the driver side is different...
  4. No no not blaming anyone it was an way mistake to make and luckily not an expensive one. I've asked some of the traders on here if they have a spare one going. I guess you learn from your mistakes Yessir.. I responded to your other thread.. and linked you a guide I've personally used.. It's really, really an easy process to take off that handle you are talking about (takes about 2 minutes at most).. If you bought one from Nissan it would be a solid $60-$90.. But you can definitely get them cheaper as you are already on top of.. especially since you are redoing them.. you are looking for the piece in any condition just solid. I still feel a little responsibility here as I didn't mention that piece and it's something technically needs to come off.. I totally forgot that the handle's lower bolt would restrict that piece coming off on the passenger side. Though there is a certain level of "pressure "when pulling these things off that I stop myself.. and think, ok something isn't right here. And have to look around more.. often going back to the internet and researching how things come apart a bit more. Then again.. I've broken a trim piece on this car using VERY little force.. it had simply become so brittle for whatever reason that there was no getting that off without some voodoo magic without it shattering in a dozen pieces. I've since fixed that of course.. and I had the forethought to order all the clip types our cars take from Ebay a week before I started my removal of the whole interior during my installs.. -- That was one of the best decisions I made. I replaced SO many clips, even found some that were broken already and/or missing. Saw those clips at local autoparts stores for $4+ dollars for one! I ordered a whole bag of them for around that price. In the future I'll be sure to at least go take a glance at my own vehicle before throwing out the "ok" on the procedure being the same on an opposite door, as those few seconds would have saved you a bit of a headache. Really wish I had a spare passenger panel and not just the spare driver panel for you. Hey dude it's cool I've managed to use solvent cement to put it back together and am spraying it with plastidip as we speak. Hopefully as it sets it will cover the cracks! Also even if you did have a spare passenger panel I don't think it would fit my car being a UK right hand drive, but I appreciate the thought let's see what the traders on here can come back with too. I'll get some pics up of my DIY job
  5. No no not blaming anyone it was an way mistake to make and luckily not an expensive one. I've asked some of the traders on here if they have a spare one going. I guess you learn from your mistakes
  6. Legend mate! I've also PM'd Zmanalex and he said he may have one spare. I'll see if the plastidip covers up the crack but probably still get a new one anyway for peace of mind. Thanks Ian
  7. Hi guys, need a passenger side switch surround as I stupidly snapped mine while trying to take it off to respray! Anyone have a spare knocking about or know of a zed going into breaking?
  8. Thanks Ian, I'll have a look at that. As soon as it snapped, my heart sank
  9. Chromatic I'm in a bit of a pickle - the passenger side has snapped when trying to take it off! It was tucked deep into the silver handle. Is there a way of removing the handle first at all? I've got pics up on this thread http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/80145-painting-engine-bay-bits/page__st__20
  10. Ok so I've made a bit of a c*ck up I removed the driver side switch panel and it came off nice and easy, Sanded and sprayed and ready to be fitted Here's what happened when I tried taking off the passenger side switch panel :scare: Luckily I had some solvent cement from my plumbing toolkit and I've glued it back together and will attempt at spraying it tomorrow hopefully once it sets My question is - is there an easy way to remove the passenger side? Because the actual silver handle which goes across it gets in the way and I'm worried the panel will snap when trying to put it back... Help please
  11. Ooh how many points do I need to get this red card??
  12. I'm getting that ever closer to my 350th post hehe
  13. +1 I only use Shell V Power Nitro in mine - racking up the double points on my Shell Card
  14. Woo! Another Londoner! Is it me or are there not many around London? to the forum mate Whereabouts in London are you based?
  15. Stop it Humpy - it's already on my mind I burst out laughing at this lol! I know, I keep thinking "oh just one more part" but then I have to look at my bank account and just stop myself
  16. Thanks a lot Chromatic! Yeah I've got the 2008 model so the first method is the one I was looking for. I'm not going to be replacing it, I'm going to sand it down and plastidip it and then put it back Is it also the same with the passenger side too?
  17. Yeah will motorway driving you should be easily achieving within the 30's mate. Nice to see another Essex person in the community. I'm based in Barkingside near Ilford so not too far from you!
  18. I drove up to Leicester from London and was cruising along around 80-90mph on the M1 and the computer read my average was 33mpg. Btw welcome to the land of zed Whereabouts are you based?
  19. I'm not too fond of the all black look either, of course it's your car so our opinions shouldn't stop you doing what you want I prefer a contrast look, hence why I waited until I found a black zed with alezan interior
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