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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Thanks everyone for all your tips on this and words of support I'll keep you guys posted with how I get on with chips away tomorrow
  2. Totally agree mate, most people just don't understand why I'm so obsessed with "just a car". Each to their own I guess...
  3. Lol at Graham But honestly speaking that's a good job gixxer. It's surprising how a small and simple mod like that can transform the look of your car did you do it in a closed area or just mask it off and do it there on the drive?
  4. Which do you have mate, the CD or the DVD version?
  5. I always give a flash and a wave if I've got a chance to. Had a couple of acknowledgments. I do like owning a rare car, just wish other fellow Zeds would feel the same towards our "clique"
  6. Which did you end up going for then? Res or non-res?
  7. I went to nissan today and they have to order it in. Said it'll be here on Friday. Only cost me a fiver so not much money lost there. But like I said, if the chips away guy says around £50 I'll just get him to do it without having to faff around and possibly doing a crap job of it myself...
  8. Going by Darren about that price, plus vat, I would have thought the chips away man could give you a quote by just sending him the photos, rather than doing a visit ?. I did suggest that but he said he'll be out on appointments anyway so he'll swing by. My mum will be at home so he can check the car while it's parked on the drive. Here's hoping!
  9. Well I've got the chap from Chips Away coming down tomorrow to give me a quote anyway so if it is around £50 or so I'll happily pay it to have it done properly
  10. Thank you nimbus. I've ordered the touch up paint from nissan today and they should have it on Friday. I've got megs polish at home already so I'll try that, otherwise I'll try scratch x when it arrives. How long should I let the paint dry in between coats? I'll attempt this on the weekend.
  11. Should I sand it lightly first as well to remove the upper layer scuffs? Or will the megs scratch x do that for me?
  12. You didn't notice that when you got in or the last time you used the car? It only happened yesterday because it wasn't there on Monday. I'd parked up outside her house and it was dark when I got back in the car. I only noticed it when I pulled up on my drive at home because I've got a security floodlight and it showed up under the light I've just ordered some of that meguiars scratch x. Just need to know where's the best place to get a touch up pen now?
  13. cheers mate - where's the best place to get a touch up pen?
  14. F*kin great! Expensive to repair?
  15. So after meeting the missus I drove home down the a406. As I got out I saw this. Now I heard the odd stone hitting the car but didn't think it would be this bad. What would people recommend? Touch up paint or get "chips away" people to do it?
  16. Was heading westbound on a406, just past the wood green junction. Had HIDs installed, 8000k I believe...
  17. The coupes definitely are a sexy machine. And for your reasons of regular long distance driving the 335d would be the perfect balance in power and running costs as well as an all around nice car too. If I was in your position I'd be looking at similar options, but also looking at the Audi A5 too good luck with the search mate
  18. Most colours would go with black IMO - I've got the alezan seats in mine so I thought I'd continue the black & orange theme...have a look at this thread to get some inspiration http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/79031-engine-bay-shots/
  19. Thanks dude - colour inspiration from 14N and styling inspiration from The Bounty Bar Kid
  20. So a quick update as to how I've far I've gotten so far - pretty happy with the results so far, next I'll be doing the centre cover as well in the same colour and also anything else plastic that I can get my hands on
  21. Thought I'd update this list 1. Chirag1988 PAID 2. Lacky 3. Lum 4. Jehuty 5. Zeus 6. Briggsybriggs 7. Randy_Baton 8. Katy 9. Ceejay29 10. Scott_f91
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