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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Might get the megs wash and wax to keep me going in between waxes so that it maintains the shine. Speaking of waxes, I'm using megs gold class carnauba wax at the moment, any other recommended alternatives?
  2. Was thinking about getting this once my megs gold class finishes. I'd love to wash and wax everytime, but sometimes I don't have the time and I'd like to give the car a good wash whilst maintaining the wax too...
  3. So here we go with the beginnings of the engine cover! Watch this space
  4. What's a good car shampoo then? I'm currently using megs gold class
  5. On my way home from Whitechapel this afternoon, saw another black 07 plate HR 350z with a pretty lady driver who gave a quick smile as she passed
  6. Pm R35Lee, I got one off him recently. Haven't gotten round to fitting it yet though
  7. Looks awesome mate! definitely on my list of mods to do. How much did it set you back if you don't mind me asking?
  8. My sister referred to the zed as a TT the first time she wanted a lift to the station - I told her she could walk
  9. Though this would make it easier 1. Chirag1988 PAID 2. Lacky 3. Lum 4. Jehuty 5. Zeus PAID 6. Briggsybriggs PAID 7. Randy_Baton PAID 8. Katy 9. Ceejay29 10. Scott_f91 11. Hammerz 12. Stu_24 PAID
  10. Don't worry about getting them sprayed, just buy some black badges from a trader on here called Asad I got chrome z burgers as I wanted a bit of contrast with the black. You can find the badges here http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/81816-chrome-silver-350z-z-emblems/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/81823-super-black-z-emblem-set-front-and-rear-with-350z-lettering-emblem/ I'm based in Barkingside, East London
  11. Just spoken to another guy who said he would charge £195 to do it. Sent him the pics. Said he needs to blend in the whole panel too when it comes to lacquering it. I'm still getting more opinions, but it's not looking like it's gonna be cheap...might just touch up for now until I can afford a couple of hundred quid to get it done properly...
  12. The all black exterior looks good mate - you gonna get the black badges to go with it? Whereabouts you based?
  13. Looks like our cars are twins black 313 hr with alezan interior best colour and best model too
  14. I might just do that, get a second opinion before shelling out to get the whole panel done...just really frustrating and expenditure that I do not need!! :angry:
  15. Looks like I'll be waiting a while before I get my hands on them...if I do ever change the wheels I think I'd most probably go for the 370 - they really do look awesome IMO
  16. How much would a set of 370 wheels set one back may I ask?
  17. very nice parello - a worthwile spend of money then
  18. Well I'll be getting the touch up pen from Nissan tomorrow, my paint code is G41. Will attempt it on the weekend if I get a chance...
  19. UPDATE - so the guy from chips away came down today and bad news ...he can't fix it due to the location of the scratch. He said he wouldn't be able to blend it in properly and recommended that I take it to a bodyshop and get the rear quarter panel re-sprayed. It's not what I wanted to hear, but at least he didn't try to do a bodge job of it and leave me worse for wear... I'm going to try to "clean it up" as best as I can with the scratch x and touch up pen for the time being until I can get it done for a reasonable price...
  20. Damn Dips, that's just bad luck mate - really p*sses me off when stuff like this happens...my car got keyed the other day, it's not too bad and i've got chips away coming down to look at it today...
  21. Excellent job by the guys Keyser and Buster the BGW does look decent too Grundy!
  22. A friendly fellow forum member was nice enough to make a copy of his and send it to me. Would be happy to pass on the good gesture. PM me your address mate and I'll send one out to you
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