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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. I'd like to remove the rear strut brace cover to paint it but I want to leave the Z in silver as it is. Is it easy to remove the rear strut brace cover as I've heard people having trouble and damaging the Z when trying to take it off?
  2. Usually a windscreen repair/replacement won't affect your premium or no claims bonus as it's not a claim against your insurance. Check with your policy but normally a chip repair is between £10-25 depending on who you're with and a total replacement would be £75-100
  3. Great review Gareth I've got the same demon snow foam but found the attachment that comes with it is pants and got the same watery effect. I'll look into getting the proper attachment and give it another go
  4. So I was bored last night and was messing around with the new Zoe feature on my new HTC One M8 and came up with this. Bit cheesy I admit but a bit of fun nonetheless
  5. try this website - cheapest prices i found for bosch aerotwin http://www.carparts4less.co.uk/wiper-blades
  6. yep - looks about right. will probably order a pair today or this week
  7. What sizes are needed for the 350z?
  8. +1 on this, I need to change mine too I think
  9. Got the girlfriend well trained lol - she sent me a pic of this one she saw yesterday parked up at Hatch End playing fields
  10. Bish bash bosh - sunrise under the hood probably looking at getting an orange slam panel next
  11. People like this should be hung, drawn and quartered!!
  12. Happy birthday Chris! Hope you have a great day mate!
  13. All finished for another year
  14. Nope car's not lowered and no plans to do so either
  15. I'm going for full on Orange - it'll be like the sun in your eyes when I pop the hood
  16. So having had a look at a few options it's defo gonna be the Mines or Veilside front lip. Now just gotta save up the pennies Just out of interest how much am I looking at roughly?
  17. Ah mate that sounds terrible! I don't get why these w*nkers feel like they have to vandalise someone else's hard earned pride and joy just to get a cheap thrill out of it. I was planning on doing mine today but the on-off rain meant I couldn't. Just managed to give the car a quick wash and then had to leave out the wax coz of the rain. Will look for another chance when the weather holds up a bit.
  18. Update again! Getting the main engine cover prepped for spraying - can you guess the colour?
  19. So sorry to hear this Ian. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. It's never easy losing a parent but the silver lining here is that he's no longer suffering and will be back with your mum once again Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  20. As the title reads, I'm looking at getting a front lip for the zed. Its the HR facelift model. Currently I quite like the look of the Mines front lip, but would like to see pics and variations of people who have had different ones fitted please please feed my zeditis!
  21. Great car mate. Love the chargespeed rear Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  22. Thanks for the response mate, interested in these but now in the dilemma of 20/25 or 25/30 setup
  23. The wouldn't sell rubbish Google superforma, they make spacers for a LOT of big people Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk Not saying for a moment that they're rubbish mate just wanting to know if and how they would compare to Eibach. Only because I've only really heard of people using Eibach spacers on their zeds and this is the first time I've heard of Superforma
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