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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Friend at work needs new tyres on her Ford Fiesta. Tyre sizes are as follows 195/45 R16 84V XL Can anyone help? Thanks, Chirag
  2. Ditto - I just cut mine off when fitting the tarmac side steps. Got a load of muck in my face when taking them off though
  3. +1 for this. Would be interested to see how the mitt overcomes this before buying?
  4. Sucks to see this paddy. It's so annoying when sh*t like this happens when it's not even your fault! Hope you get it sorted swiftly mate, but knowing insurance companies they'll long it out...
  5. Just checked and yes they do do a Facelift version !!!!! Let me get this one tested first then if you like I will get you one in Sorry to be a pain Chris, but having had a look at the pic it's not quite what I want lol. I'm just not too keen on the middle part where it goes back in. I think I've got my heart set on a Veilside or Mines front lip. Let me know if you have any deals running on those
  6. Hey Chris, no picture attached on your post Also can this be available for the facelift? I've got a 2008 and really looking for a front lip for it...
  7. Mine has the GT4 Anniversary wheels - I quite like them as I see a lot of zeds with Rays on them and I like the chunky look of the GT4 wheels
  8. chirag1988

    Wales 2014

    I missed the tunnel run
  9. Hi I'm 6ft 2in and i don't have any problem with the Z - the bucket seats hug you nicely and you just fit lol
  10. Was good meeting you mate! Brilliant drive out this morning! Got very rainy after you left but that didn't stop us going back round the triangle again and again haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I had a nice drive back down the A5 towards the hotel to catch the motorway before the rain hit. Need to do the Evo Triangle again for sure! Got some vids of you and Scully on Instagram Great to meet you and your lady. Now your home you will have to get back onto your diet. As you were looking a bit podgy All the best. KEITH Great to meet you too Dave aka KEITH had a great time and now need to hit the gym to lose all the weight I put on Saturday Hope you guys had a nice drive home on the scenic route
  11. Back in London now! Sorry I couldn't say bye to everyone personally! Was great meeting everyone and putting faces to names had an awesome time on the drives. Will post some pics up in good time. Look forward to seeing everyone else's too
  12. Not sure about the entire door cards, but the switch surrounds are different in the pre and post facelift models (as i've experienced first hand)
  13. Just ordered a set myself too - same colour combination too does it simply tuck into the handbrake bit and I take it you have to remove the gear knob and the bottom part of the centre console?
  14. +1 to this - fitting guide would be useful EDIT: Looks ace btw
  15. Looks awesome mate - how long did it take you to do and was it easy?
  16. I'll be leaving on Saturday morning from Barkingside IG6 at 5am, picking up the girlfriend from Harrow HA3 around 5.40am and then making my way to Wrexham for 9am (fingers crossed!) Should I be ok with traffic through Birmingham that early in the morning or is an alternative route I can use to avoid Birmingham?
  17. +1 for this. I don't suffer at all so I don't know what it feels like, sorry. But if I'm having a bad couple days I take it out with physical activity. Clears my mind. Also after my first Det in afghan I did a lot of yoga. Not only is it generally awesome, but it also improved drastically in the gym with lifting heavier weights. Cheers guys. I'd love to go to the gym but because of my anxiety it leaves me breathless very easy so i find it very hard. I'm also only 9stone (skin and bones) lol but I'm hoping a diet change will help me gain weight so I can gain the confidence to start up the gym. Don't worry about how much you weigh and how big you are - there's more respect for those trying than those who don't. Same with overweight people trying to lose weight. Either way you go it's the effort that counts mate. By diverting your attention to another goal, you'll probably find yourself moving away from the anxiety, and into a more positive state of mind, especially as you start to see changes, and see the effects of your efforts coming through. It's a very happy feeling when you see yourself putting on size, or losing weight, whichever your goal is. Set yourself small goals and achieve them. It'll make you feel better about yourself. Not to mention the fact that physical activity will release endorphins (the happy hormone) into your system, so you'll generally feel happier afterwards anyway. It's easier said than done, but don't let life get you down - you live once so make the most of it mate and do what makes you happy
  18. I don't suffer from anxiety, but for me I find going to the gym helps me channel my energy and clear my mind. Obviously it won't remove the problem completely, but it gives you an opportunity to look at it from another angle and see another avenue of solving it. Maybe try something similar, or meditating/yoga helps as well. Hope you get through whatever it is that's affecting you mate
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