+1 for this. I don't suffer at all so I don't know what it feels like, sorry. But if I'm having a bad couple days I take it out with physical activity. Clears my mind. Also after my first Det in afghan I did a lot of yoga. Not only is it generally awesome, but it also improved drastically in the gym with lifting heavier weights.
Cheers guys. I'd love to go to the gym but because of my anxiety it leaves me breathless very easy so i find it very hard. I'm also only 9stone (skin and bones) lol but I'm hoping a diet change will help me gain weight so I can gain the confidence to start up the gym.
Don't worry about how much you weigh and how big you are - there's more respect for those trying than those who don't. Same with overweight people trying to lose weight. Either way you go it's the effort that counts mate.
By diverting your attention to another goal, you'll probably find yourself moving away from the anxiety, and into a more positive state of mind, especially as you start to see changes, and see the effects of your efforts coming through. It's a very happy feeling when you see yourself putting on size, or losing weight, whichever your goal is. Set yourself small goals and achieve them. It'll make you feel better about yourself. Not to mention the fact that physical activity will release endorphins (the happy hormone) into your system, so you'll generally feel happier afterwards anyway.
It's easier said than done, but don't let life get you down - you live once so make the most of it mate and do what makes you happy