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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Don't get yourself down if you didn't manage it on Day 1. Just make sure it doesn't roll onto the following days. Don't set yourself too big a goal either otherwise you will find yourself feeling even worse if you don't hit it. Take small baby steps. Whatever you do Stevo, NEVER BACK DOWN!! So tell us what went wrong and we can help
  2. judging by the pics of chirag we could all stop training now and have him drag us round and we would still complete it! LOL Still though, I think a Zed Tough Mudder is an awesome idea!
  3. Good luck to both of you guys! Let the games begin
  4. With intermittent fasting you only have an 8hr window in the day during which you eat, the other 16hrs you're only allowed to drink water, tea or coffee. Have a look at one of the previous pages - I've explained it in a bit more detail how it works
  5. Go on you lot!! This thread has got me psyched for Leg Day tonight got destroyed last week with 10x10 on squats
  6. They use brown rice so it's ok. Also even if it's white rice in moderation it's ok as well. At the end of the day you still need carbs for energy. There's also something called carb cycling which is a bit more complex. Towards the end of a cutting phase, you slowly decrease your carb intake over the course of a few days until you get to a day where you have zero carbs. Then 2-3 days before the "show-day" you go crazy on your carbs! What this does is fills your muscles out and gives you that all needed size factor for competition. There's so much so to go into with nutrition but for now let's keep it simple lol. Carbs are needed, but in moderation
  7. be careful... some of the stuff on there is aimed at people who are training hard aswell as dieting..... Correct, the meals are ok for anyone, but the supplements are more for regular training. If you're unsure - ask
  8. Bad food is cheap and the government is concerned about a nation of couch potatoes? Doesn't surprise me! Trip down to the local chicken and chips shop will get you fed for a few quid - but go to M&S or Holland & Barrett or similar and you're looking at double if not more! This is where the problem is. Good food is expensive! check out www.musclefood.com and their protein ready meals. I have them with me to eat on the go. Great balance of healthy carbs and protein. It tastes good too, has a long expiry date and just pop in the microwave. I also get my snacks from them, like protein cookies and flapjacks. I buy all my stuff in bulk so my meals effectively work out to be £3 each! so everything on there is good for you? obviously with in moderation Pretty much mate. Maybe buy the selection packs so you get a taste of each of them then you know which ones you like. Their meat is a great selection! As a new customer they have a hamper chocked full of meat which they send to you in a chilled box so it stays fresh.
  9. I enjoy a subway now and again. Don't completely restrict yourself otherwise you'll relapse. Your body has to know that it's allowed to "cheat" every once in a while so you don't get mad cravings
  10. Also get yourself a george foreman grill - it will be your lifeline!
  11. Bad food is cheap and the government is concerned about a nation of couch potatoes? Doesn't surprise me! Trip down to the local chicken and chips shop will get you fed for a few quid - but go to M&S or Holland & Barrett or similar and you're looking at double if not more! This is where the problem is. Good food is expensive! check out www.musclefood.com and their protein ready meals. I have them with me to eat on the go. Great balance of healthy carbs and protein. It tastes good too, has a long expiry date and just pop in the microwave. I also get my snacks from them, like protein cookies and flapjacks. I buy all my stuff in bulk so my meals effectively work out to be £3 each!
  12. Reduce sugar - yes! Bread/pasta/potato - keep! But switch to brown bread, wholemeal pasta and sweet potato instead of the white stuff
  13. Eh fatty boom boom! - I am of course joking! Mate you will have no problem shedding that weight. It's easier to lose weight at the beginning - it's when you get down to low percentage body fat that it becomes harder. Try out a few of the advises that have been given on here, but don't expect results straight away. Any cycle you do, you have to keep at it for at least 4-6wks. Personally I'd start by trying intermittent fasting, you will notice a difference pretty quickly. And we're all here to help you along the way too bud
  14. erm i throw mine about sideways with smoking pouring off the back not sure i should treat my body the same You never know - it might just be what you need to kick start the weight loss
  15. Thanks dude, to be honest I don't even know what %BF I was lol. Just that every piece of clothing I had was just hanging off me
  16. This was me last August at the end of my cutting phase (no homo). Had been doing intermittent fasting for the previous 4 months and then cycling my macros, etc (carbs/protein/fats). This was done all on my own with trial and error, but this time I've got a coach who's giving me proper directions to compete in physique class next year. Trust me, once you see the changes take place - it increases your willingness to improve and become better. Just think of your body as your zed - you want to finely tune it to be running as smoothly as possible
  17. Yes but without exercise your muscles and your organs are not getting used efficiently and your body is going into starvation mode. these fad diets only last so long and then they will have a counter-effect. If you lose too much weight too quickly, you'll be left with a lot of loose skin which will look even worse and is harder to tone up. You need to have an equal balance of diet, exercise AND rest. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to lift weights at the gym, at the end of the day it will only make you stronger and healthier overall. Same with cardio - you don't have to be a long distance runner, but it will keep your heart running better. Just like your zed's engine Agree with all of that, but in a perfect world. In my life at least, i'm 'too busy' to dedicate lots of time to exercise, and i'm also very limited in what i can do due to a permanent spinal injury. I also know that i like my bad foods too much, so i could never stick to a healthy diet. So from where i'm sat, on Keto i get the best of both worlds. Ah sorry to hear about your injury mate - have you considered yoga or light aerobics? Obviously only if the spinal injury allows
  18. That's a big difference mate! Good work!
  19. @StevoD - have you looked at intermittent fasting? I did it last year when I was cutting and it worked wonders! You basically have an 8-hour window during which you're allowed to eat. For example I only ate between 2pm - 10pm. During the other hours you're only allowed to drink water, tea/green tea or coffee (no sugar). But because you're keeping your feeding window restricted, you can be a bit more flexible with what you eat. So your first meal would be BIG to break your fast, but still try to keep it lean meat and wholemeal carbs with some fats. Then you can graze a bit throughout and a few hours later have another good size meal half way through. Again graze until your last hour and have your last big meal and that's it. What this will do is shock your body's insulin levels and you will just see the weight fall off you. Also if you can handle hot food, spice is big catalyst in fat burn. So is cinammon. And keep drinking green tea throughout the day if you can. 5-6 cups easily. Water - minimum 3-4 litres - your pee should be clear whenever you go.
  20. pretty much.... my daily food intake consists of 0% fat yogurt and some fruit for breakfast - protien shake mid morning - small salad and a chick breast for lunch and maybe a handful of cashew nuts small protien shake before gym - protien shake after gym - dinner is either more chicken with a bigger salad including some avacado or a lean steak or an omlette with 4 eggs (2 whole and 2 whites) - then a small amount of cottage cheese before bed Spot on
  21. Yes but without exercise your muscles and your organs are not getting used efficiently and your body is going into starvation mode. these fad diets only last so long and then they will have a counter-effect. If you lose too much weight too quickly, you'll be left with a lot of loose skin which will look even worse and is harder to tone up. You need to have an equal balance of diet, exercise AND rest. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to lift weights at the gym, at the end of the day it will only make you stronger and healthier overall. Same with cardio - you don't have to be a long distance runner, but it will keep your heart running better. Just like your zed's engine
  22. First off - caffeine is good for you in controlled doses - swap the red bull for a black coffee (or with a splash of milk). If you don't like the taste start with 1 or 2 spoons of sugar and slowly decrease it until you have it without sugar. For breakfast have oats/porridge. I usually blend 500ml water, protein powder, 100g oats and a spoon of almond butter and just have it as a quick shake for breakfast. For your snacks, instead of the rolls and choc bars, get yourself some wholemeal crackers, or rice cakes and you can have them with a bit of nutella and almond/peanut butter. Switch your carb sources to low GI e.g. sweet potato instead of white potato, brown rice instead of white rice, brown bread instead of white bread, etc. You need to keep your simple sugars to a minimum otherwise you'll just convert it to fat. Increase your protein over your carbs but try to keep it lean, e.g. chicken breast, white fish, etc. Also depending on what your take is on exercise, I'd recommend 3 times a week weight sessions with 20-30mins cardio straight after. Resistance training combined with cardio will increase your metabolism and help with fat burn immensely! I'm in off-season training for competition next year so my diet is just bulking at the moment, which believe it or not is a lot harder than when on diet! Gimme a shout if you want any other tips or advice mate
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