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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. StevoD would be good to meet you mate, we can catch up on how your diet challenge is going too and if you want to get any more tips or advice
  2. Bradders, ap427 and I will be meeting at Thurrock services around 6.45pm today if you wanna meet us there?
  3. Yes but the D1 is a cheaper option for now especially since my recent purchase of a V2 wing
  4. Ah man, and I was getting excited to get one after reading up about it
  5. Does anyone know if this available for the HR?
  6. I'll be up for this too mate - told the mrs and she'll be coming with me. Let me know what time you're leaving and we can drive down together. We can meet along the way or you can come to mine and we can jump on the A12 from there?
  7. Ok this one is specially for WhackyWill For most people it's the first mod they do, for mine it wasn't until now... STUBBY!!!
  8. Ok let me check with the girlfriend if she's also up for it and I'll let you know mate
  9. Lovely zed mate - those wheels though...
  10. I'll definitely be going for the Chargespeed rear bumper, but the cost of buying, painting and fitting it means it'll probably be next year or so! I might be able to do that - what time mate? I'm working till 5pm though...
  11. Just got the pics of the work in progress sent through from Taras at RT so thought I'd share
  12. I agree with Will, Gareth and Ekona above - this is going to be a difficult time for you mate, but you have to think that you and your mum only have each other. You gotta sit down and talk it out and keep your best to stay calm. It's easier said than done though. I agree with Gareth that as a parent it's your duty of care to look out for your child (no matter how old they get), but at the same time as their children we also have to look out for them. In my family we don't see money as "mine and theirs". Yes we have our own bank accounts and own income, but when it comes to paying for stuff for each other we just see it as "family money". That way nobody feels like they "owe" anyone anything. And let's face it, as a family we shouldn't have to "owe" each other anything - it should be done for the love of your parents/children/siblings (even though at times they p!ss you off to the max). Ekona's right in saying that you need to confront your mum and lay the cards out on the table to her. She probably is feeling embarrassed about the situation and she's lashing out at you coz you're the only one there. See past her blaming you and see the emotional pain she's also in. I still don't think it's right of her to blame you for this, but it's how her mental state is at the moment. You guys will work it out - blood runs thicker than water Matt. But sometime distance will also help. So if you can afford it, get a place of your own to rent, or flatshare or something while your mum stays with your nan. Let her realise how much you do for her, let her miss you. Different situations make people change, and hopefully in your case for the better. Hope it all works out for you in the end bud - you're a good guy
  13. Thanks again Chris for a quality service with the V2 spoiler! Looks awesome!
  14. So...it took longer than expected...but the end result is definitely worth it... Thanks to Chris at Tarmac Sportz for supplying the V2 and thanks to Taras and his team at RT Performance for doing a cracking job at painting and fitting!
  15. chirag1988


    What a p*ss take mate. Hope you get it sorted for not too much!
  16. Thanks for all the comments and birthday wishes guys! Unfortunately the cake didn't last long! I got so hammered that we left the cake at the bar that night and when we called the next day to see if they'd kept it, they'd thrown it away! Oh well, at least I have the memories in pictures
  17. Yep and its still there! Will be picking it up on Wednesday so until then all I have is my cake version
  18. The best cake a zedder could ask for! Made by my better half
  19. Thanks you guys! Just waking up from a messy night out
  20. Are Heinz Baked beans 'legal'? Please say yes Fraid not to much SUGARZ See I'd be ok with a tin of baked beans
  21. Congrats mate - lovely looking zed! Love that chargespeed
  22. Love this look - need to get spacers put on mine but not for a while - spent wayyy too much money on the zed in the last couple of months lol
  23. Spirits not so bad - I'm on a messy one tonight for my birthday too lol. Right so today your body will be dehydrated - have a 2ltr bottle of water with you at all times today and aim to get through 3 of these bottles by end of play today. You will prob need some carbs to soak up the alcohol so have some sweet potato and maybe some wholemeal bread. Aim to get some greens in you as well. Have beans (baked/kidney/mexican style). You may crave the greasy, fried stuff but don't give in to temptation. If you're wanting something "fast food" today would be a good day for a subway If you like spicy food and have a Caribbean place near you then get yourself some jerk/stew chicken with rice and peas!
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