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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Correct buddy I'll take a set each for front and rear for sure then as above
  2. I'll have a pair please - front 20mm and rear 25mm please Can I confirm thats £100 for the set of front and rear?
  3. Definitely different in the facelift cars - I bought an interior switch cover for a pre-facelift and I have a HR and had to send it back
  4. Just spent the last half hour reading through this thread. Really sorry to hear this mat after everything you've been through with her. It's never an easy decision but at least she's going to a better place and her suffering can end...hang in there Matt...
  5. Absolute w*nkers mate! Hope it polishes out. I don't get what these ppl get out of keying cars! Should run a blade down their spine and see how they like it...
  6. Congratulations on passing her test mate!
  7. As already discussed protein shakes won't make you muscly, but in fact will aid with the fat burn and toning as long as used in conjunction with a proper weights and cardio routine. Two other supplements which I would highly recommend are BCAAs (branched chain amino acids) which make up the proteins you can't get naturally. Also I would recommend L-Glutamine as this will aid with recovery of muscles by as a secondary effect it helps your immune system as well. Take fish oils for Omega 3 and if you find your joints getting sore get some Glucosamine Sulphate. Hope this helps
  8. I'd go for resonated too Will - I've got a resonated Cobra back box and mid-pipe with Stillen Y-Pipe and Berk HFCs. Cobra back box and mid-pipe on it's own made a real difference and sounded good - more sporty but without the droning which makes long drives comfortable. Added the HFCs to make it sound a bit more meaty which it does and still doesn't drone anymore than it did. Sounds just how I want it to - and as you're not too far from me you're welcome to pop down and have a hear of it yourself if you like
  9. If anyone wants to get supplements: http://mncr.uk/R3-7ZLZBI-L Spend a tenner or more and you get 250g whey protein free
  10. Yep in my build thread http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/86570-chirag1988s-build-thread/page__st__40
  11. Fitted my trim panels today - makes a surprisingly pleasant difference
  12. Car looks awesome mate - best colour too Seeing as you're going stealth look - what about black emblems? Or you looking to go badgeless altogether?
  13. Just a small update today - aluminium air vents courtesy of Asad Before After
  14. Does this also apply to HR models? I've not noticed any lack in power, but would be interesting to see if any of these resets would make any difference? EDIT: Forgot to add I've got Berk HFC's, Stillen Y-pipe and Cobra res exhaust
  15. I've not bought from them, but along with the other comments I've not heard good reviews for them...
  16. Love the night pics next time we'll hopefully get together sooner with bit more light available
  17. Great meet! Was good to put faces to names. Me and Arthur got separated from Brad and Damian on the way home though lol. I'm sure Arthur will be along with pics from the night out soon!
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