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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Very nice looking motor mate 370 in bhp and torque sounds like it'll be plenty for the daily drive. My only niggle is the colour, not sure if it's the lighting in the pics but it looks like a dull blue rather than a metallic finish? Maybe it just needs a proper clean, polish and wax lol. Either way, looks like you've made a good choice there man
  2. Close shave mate, hopefully your next find will be an even better one
  3. I've got two OBD readers now, the blue elm one and the white elm one. Both work perfectly on my polo, but neither works on the zed! Any idea if there's a special one for the HR zed? Don't wanna have to keep going through trial and error and wasting money...
  4. Thanks mate, I know the neo chrome finish isn't to everyone's liking but it's nice to have something that stands out a bit unfortunately there won't be much progress in my build thread for a while as a wedding is on the books so for the next year or so will just be enjoying the zed as it is
  5. So a very minor update... Out with the old... In with the new! Shifting feels so much better already! Just wish I'd had it for the Wales weekend. Oh well, got a nice drive up to the Lakes next month so should be good for that
  6. Great video mate! Love how all the Zeds sounds
  7. Nothing beats need for speed underground 1 & 2 for me. If this is anything like that I'll buy it!
  8. Ooooooh I'm quivering with excitement :yahoo:
  9. Erm, I'm sure I was a winner in this - seem's a bit odd that my pic is even missing from the Wales Photos section of collecting the prize from Rob. I won the Opie Oils Oil and filter...
  10. I don't think they do a P3 anymore, it's just P1 and P2
  11. If you're buying it from RT and having them fit it then it really shouldn't be an issue for them as it's their own replica
  12. Takes around 10-15mins. Did it at night with a spotlight and spitting rain
  13. I messaged the guy who bought it off amazon but deleted the thread as my inbox was getting full. He said the bodyshop still had trouble with fitting it though...
  14. I blame the photographer..... hang on a second! I see my pic went missing there!
  15. and left Niki's hair straightners plugged in on the bed? Nah she didn't bring her straighteners this time lol - already thought of that one
  16. And here are the rest in no particular order Collection of pics from the weekend Happy viewing
  17. Ok so here we have mine The London Convoy arrived Sat having left at 5am Few zeds in the car park First stop at Lake Bala Random stop off for pics Pics at the bridge Some lonesome pics Nice views of the valleys
  18. I look like I'm telling a really interesting story there
  19. BTW I'm uploading 87 photos to Photobucket...you have been warned
  20. I was definitely more confident this year than last, especially as the roads were drier! Was able to brake later and accelerate out of the corners with more traction. Girlfriend also gave me feedback saying she felt I was in more control of the car this year as well
  21. I was in room 32, the first room on the first floor! Damn that was a lucky escape for me and Niki as we checked out Sun morning!
  22. Dave it was great to meet you had a great time this weekend, the horseshoe pass was well worth the extra few hours! I have to agree that Arthur led the group very well and picked some great roads, especially for his first time in Wales. I've got a few pics and vids to post up so will get round to it over the next couple of day. Big thanks to Rob, aka Mudman for organising the event as well. Look forward to it again next year! Over 800 miles and £200 of fuel in 2 days but well worth it
  23. Awake and ready for day two! Agreed we'll create a separate thread for Wales pics as I've got quite a few to post up
  24. I'm hungry now, circa 400miles later...
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