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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Sounds like Bhav's car and reg - Monkeybrain on here
  2. Hmm, tempting - just having a look at the reviews mate
  3. :lol: I have read that before on a whatsapp message, but still cracks me up everytime!
  4. I think it's a marketing ploy to get you to spend more money if I'm being honest. The whole reason to buy these is to re-use them
  5. I thought they were re-usable, i.e. just give them a wash and pop them back in every service?
  6. At the moment, wedding planning! But also competing for Men's Physique Class in UKBFF this September so the struggle is real with approx 12 weeks out!!
  7. Thanks David for meeting me over the weekend and popping the kickplates in for me
  8. And now the moment that I've been waiting for! The final part of my engine bay dress...for now that is I finally got round to sorting out the strut brace Sanded down Primed Satin Black bar The final product with Orange legs And all fitted to the engine bay And that's me done for now, bay-wise. I'm sure I'll find something else to paint orange Comments and criticisms welcome
  9. I forgot to add that over the weekend I met up with Tinyflier who I bought the aluminium kickplates from and he gladly fitted them for me too Before During After Just gives it that premium feel I think. Don't know why Nissan didn't have these as standard, just another money making scheme!
  10. So I've been a bit busy with zeditis today First a quick clean after the saharan rain sandstorm Then got to work on something which I'd been putting off for a longgg time! Changing my cardholder over to a cupholder Removing the cardholder - what a PITA! Finally got it out Next I undid the two 10mm bolts, one where the cardholder sits and one where the power outlet is at the bottom. Then started unclipping the lower dash carefully - luckily no broken clips! Removed the housing for the cardholder Welcome cupholder All fitted nicely and put back together A comparison of the two Hopefully have one more thing to add later this evening - *hint* it's drying
  11. Good to meet you last night mate, car looking smart! I'm gonna try to sort out the feet of my strut bar over the next couple of weeks. What grade wet & dry did you use to sand it first?
  12. I wish my mrs bought me zed parts
  13. I'd take the above guide to the garage and watch them do it properly mate
  14. Cheers Rav, noticed you're based in London. Whereabouts? There's a small meet happening this evening at Bluewater if you're about? I'm based in chadwell heath mate, how about yourself? Won't be able to make it today, busy late nights work till next week. Is there a after party after the meet? No way, you're in chadders? I'm in Barkingside lol and there's another one of us 2mins from me and a third in East Ham. Well we'll prob be in bluewater from about 8ish for a couple of hours and then heading back this way. Drop me a PM with you number and I'll add you to our whatsapp group
  15. Cheers Rav, noticed you're based in London. Whereabouts? There's a small meet happening this evening at Bluewater if you're about?
  16. That finisher looks pretty nice mate! How much were they? I'm undecided as to if I prefer the look of the long shaft or not
  17. Yes another one joins the fold you can have a look at mine tonight to get an idea of size and looks
  18. I finally got round to painting my airbox covers. Next up will be the ends of the strut bar when I can be bothered again
  19. For side skirts - how about side steps instead? I prefer the look of them over skirts IMO Spoiler wise - I've got the Nismo V2 which is nice and big
  20. You won't even have to look, just follow the sound of exhausts revving up
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