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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Thanks for this mate - I'll pop the bonnet and check the belt. Brake pads were changed at the last service so they're fine for now. Good to know about the oil filter - fiver saved is a fiver saved! Yep I know the plugs are different to the DE which is why I'm hoping one of the traders will be able to confirm the right ones for me
  2. Right guys I have my service due for my zed and wanted to get some advice from the forum about a few bits and bobs. Last year I had the following done: Oil change - 5w30 Oil filter change Panel air filters changed to HKS panel filters Brake fluid changed (can't remember what fluid but was done by Ross at Japex so I know he'd use the good stuff) A few questions about this year's servicing: 1) Which spark plugs do I need for my HR? And approx cost? 2) Is the oil filter the same for DE and HR as I won an oil filter at Wales this year 3) I also have a 5L gallon of Fuchs Titan Race Pro S 5W40. I know normally 5W30 is recommended but can I use this or should I try to sell it on and get the 5W30? 4) If I do need 5W30, is Triple QX safe to use or should I go for a branded product? 5) How can I check if auxillary belts need replacing or not? Car is coming up to 50,000 miles but so far running clean as a whistle. Anything else that may need doing? Thanks in advance guys
  3. Welcome mate! Quite a few of us in Essex and East London who get together for meets occasionally. Keep an eye on the meet threads
  4. This car looks f*ckin awesome dude! Wish I had the money to charge my 350. That stillen front end looks absolutely stunning too
  5. Happy birthday dude! Hope you have a wicked day mate!
  6. Love the steering wheel Stu, especially the flat bottom
  7. Heya, Are these any good? Not sure if I got the colours right, but let me know feedback and I'm happy to change! Hodaka Thanks Hodaka I think the diffuser section looks good in a slightly different shade, but the side steps and front lip I'll look to colour code
  8. Hi mate, when you get a moment, could you try a couple of different of variations of colours on the chargespeed rear bumper diffuser section and on the side steps and mine's lip please? I'm thinking of just a different shade of black, perhaps a charcoal/anthracite-ish colour? Want to see how it looks slightly off-colour to stand out from the rest of the car Got a couple of pics of the chargespeed off google, and then a couple of pics of my car for the front and side Thanks mate
  9. Definitely, I'll be getting it done properly by a good company Same mate, I'm contemplating having the diffuser section a slightly different shade of black, maybe a charcoal or anthracite colour, to make it stand out a bit from the bumper section. If doing that I may even look at doing the side steps and the mines front lip in the same shade to see if it looks better or not. Perhaps a photoshop would be good to check first...
  10. No import charges as from the UK mate Bargain of the year mate!
  11. Will wait a bit to save up some funds as some w*nker keyed my bonnet last month so need to get that sorted at the same time. Whilst I'm at it I'll be looking to get the front end resprayed, mines lip colour coded along with side steps too. Hopefully before the end of the year though!
  12. PM'd Ogman Man I'm buzzing after receiving this today
  13. Here we go! That's right! Genuine Chargespeed rear bumper! No replica shizzle! Cannot believe my luck when Amazon dropped the price to a ridiculously low one! Happy days!!
  14. Agreed - the 370z rays look so good on the 350z!
  15. It's a real-life balloon man!!
  16. Car looks great dude! Do you notice the difference with the power or drive of the car after the remap?
  17. Congrats mate - you come on leaps and bounds from those first progress pics you shown us. All the best for finals on Sunday, certainly inspired me to try that little harder As long as you don't start turning green all the time I'm green right now after seeing Chirags wife to be. Lol. No. Joking aside well done Chirag. You seem like a top lad and deserve all the good life gives you. If anything I'll turn purpley red from high blood pressure Thanks for the words of support guys! It's nice to be able to speak to like minded people about this kind of stuff. Most of the time when you try to talk to someone about it they look at you like you're just a "meathead"
  18. It's true, bodybuilding isn't necessarily good for your health as you're putting your body through scenarios it would never normally go through and can be quite detrimental. It's the price you pay for trying to achieve a carved physique. For me, I was the skinny little kid in school so this is a massive achievement for me, but truth be told this is the only time I'd do it. If I don't qualify for the British on Sunday then I'll starting dialling it down to a maintenance level. I have a beautiful wife to be and my family who've supported me through this process and after it's done it's time for me to give back to them
  19. Sorry guys, one more time Last night was my debut on stage at UKBFF Men's Physique! Sad to say I didn't qualify, it was a very tough line up but I gave it my very best and was very happy with my condition Had an immense amount of support from family and friends and thoroughly enjoyed the day! 15 months hard work all for 20mins on stage! I'll be attempting another qualifier this coming Sunday in Birmingham as a last shot for the British finals this year. Let's see what I can bring back in a week!
  20. Some posing practice from last night. Today been tanning up and chilling out!
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