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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Mine is tucked up in a garage anyway when not in use, used as a weekend car and will most definitely still be running her throughout the winter!
  2. May as well - any chance to pic whore Excuse the key mark on the bonnet from some jealous w@nker
  3. Hope you're enjoying the road trip mate and that smokey is surviving!
  4. Was on my way to Gatwick Airport to pick up the mrs going clockwise on the M25 and saw 4 silver zeds (not together) going anti-clockwise, was overtaken by the 5th one in the pick below, and then continuing on to Harrow, saw a sunset and midnight blue going anti-clockwise as well!
  5. That sounds a bit advanced for me (adding a gloss look), but I'll give it my best shot! As I say, I think I'm coming down with a cold so I'll see how I feel. I desperately want to recover as I'm getting an Invidia Gemini and Xtreme clutch & smf being installed on Friday. Would suck if I felt too bad to drive. I don't get ill very often so when I do, I don't handle it very well! Ooh that sounds like fun! Get some rest and give your zed a good blast over the weekend!
  6. Sounds good mate, yeah maybe a different shades "off-black" or gun metal-ish, but with a gloss finish so it still looks painted? But no rush again, I'm looking to get this done next month sometime so just thinking of different ideas
  7. Agree Dan. Now just need to think if the diffuser section looks good in a different shade, or all black...my only concern about different shade is that i looks like they forgot to paint it
  8. Hodaka, the pics look great! I don't think you give yourself enough credit mate Having had a look at the different options, I think I'm going to leave the spoiler sides and the orange zunsport grill...I'm now on the fence about the orange border around the diffuser section...should I have it done, or stick with all black, or the different shades...decisions decisions hmm lol
  9. Try peddle dance, should reset the ECU and settled down with the mods. I'm also in the same boat as you, but I'm going more for aesthetics over performance at the mo
  10. Looking forward to seeing the phoenix rise from the ashes Andy - best of luck with the rebuild!
  11. Thanks man I quite like the Ford Electric Orange. I've done quite a few engine bay bits and interior parts in that colour so just looking to keep the same colour theme going if poss
  12. Happy birthday mate! Hope you have a great day
  13. No problem. Glad it was helpful! Hi Hodaka, Just a couple more requests when you get time - no rush mate 1) Could you photoshop an orange zunsport grill onto the front bumper please? 2) On the photo with the chargespeed rear, could you do a thin orange border around the diffuser section please? 3) On the spoiler sides, could you do the small panel orange please? Again, whenever you get time mate, no rush on these, just looking at different styles to try out
  14. +1 on the aircon. Just double check it is clear water and you should be fine
  15. Gleaming mate, always feels good stepping back and admiring the finished article. I did mine yday, 6hr job from start to finish, but my oh my that shine it gives afterwards is totally worth it. You can see what I did here towards the bottom of the page http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/86570-chirag1988s-build-thread-my-dream-mod-come-true/page__st__140
  16. So not really a progress update, but just wanted to show off my shiny black beauty Spent 6hrs yesterday giving her a proper clean. Started with Dust off spider webs Rinse Snow Foam Rinse Shampoo with Megs lambswool mitt Shampoo again with clay mitt Rinse Dry Poorboy's Black Hole Glaze & Buff Autoglym HD Wax and buff Few pics from before and after Enjoy
  17. Some for sale at the mo dude .... Would look epic on your black beauty Ahhh don't tempt me lol. I've still got the chargespeed sitting in my dining room needed to be sprayed and fitted. Don't think I'll be spending any cash until I've got that sorted first Perhaps rays for Xmas?
  18. Have always loved the 370 Rays on the 350 #jealous
  19. No sorry For the 370 only Ah ok, now I don't feel so bad about missing out then;)
  20. Damn Mitch, you really want a double din don't you build coming along nicely
  21. Just out of curiosity, would these have fit the 350z HR?
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