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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Welcome mate! Whereabouts in Essex you based? Quite a few of us live local
  2. RIP Martin, although I never had the chance to meet you, would have been great to have accompanied you on a drive out. My condolences to the family
  3. I do rate you for the work you've put into this man. Bet you can't wait to get out and drive her! I keep mine in my garage too and although it's wide enough I'm still always worrying about hitting the door against the wall when I open the driver side lol. I do need to get some sort of flooring put down as it's just bare concrete at the moment and still tend to get a fair bit of dust flying up
  4. Paul (Jmanji) lives about 1.5 miles away from me and we can communicate from each other's houses with no major issues. They're perfect for convoys and overtaking and general chit chat along the route
  5. Mate your build thread is epic! Just one question though - how the f*ck did you manage to squeeze your zed into that tight space?? I'm worried for you and your zed about scraping along that passenger side
  6. Hey Dave, Me and a few local zedders had chipped in to get a set of these each http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-x-Retevis-H777-UHF-Walkie-Talkie-5W-16CH-2-Way-Radio-Earpieces-USB-UK-Charger-/151672049912?hash=item23505bd0f8:g:N0sAAOSwLVZV7V-s We bought 10 for £100 so worked out a tenner each and we've used them on a number of drives out and also came in very handy on the Wales trip too. Ours came with the handsfree earpiece too so was easy to drive and talk at the same time. Great fun and came in very handy when the person in front was able to tell us when the roads were clear so we could overtake on blind corners as well without worry
  7. Very easy to do mate - the most difficult bit is making sure the wires have made good contact with the connections! This was the issue I had first time round where I'd actually connected all the correct wires up but because the contacts weren't making a good connection it didn't work. Having said that I did try to do this in the dark lol, but once tackled in the morning it was easy as pie
  8. Happy birthday Graham! Hope you have a smashing day mate!
  9. Z speed from Tarmac or Torqen undertray from Torqen himself
  10. Having weighed up the costs, I think I'm gonna pass on this. Leaning more towards getting a steering wheel re-trim instead! Figured I've got plenty of mods which others can see from the outside, but none that I can enjoy myself. At least a nice, new re-trimmed wheel is something I'll be able to enjoy everytime I get into the car
  11. chirag1988

    Got the Hump

    Looking goof mate - but how did you get Nissan to contribute towards the costs??
  12. https://www.gov.uk/g...ad/tax-and-duty Thanks Stu, so if I'm correct all that should be due is VAT at 20% and no customs duty as the value is below £135? So total should come to approx £120?
  13. Happy birthday mate! Have a great one!
  14. Guys I think we're making a mountain out of a molehill - we tinker with cars all the time, and changing a ball valve in water tank isn't a big job at all. Like Dan described you just isolate the water supply, take off the old valve and fit a new one, turn water back on and job done. Only avoid if you genuinely have 2 left hands
  15. Interested...but any idea of roughly what sort of import tax we're looking at on top of this?
  16. Happy to say GVT going very well so far. Can see an increase in size and have also managed to go up on the weight on some exercises. Been doing 60kg squat for 10x10 and thought it move it up a peg to 70kg. Boy do those fives make a big difference when hitting volume! Only managed 4.5 sets and then did the remainder having dropped back to 60kg. Tis hard verk zis GVT
  17. Damn you paid £150 for mine a month ago awesome set tbh I was about to buy it last week when I broke two ratchets trying to change brake discs and pads on Mrs TT! Glad I held out for this, an extra £25 off is pretty decent in my eyes! Just gotta get an additional longer breaker bar for those tough nuts
  18. Picked mine up today. The halfords professional 200 piece set for £125 and lifetime guarantee
  19. I stopped drinking for 2 years which I started in my final year of uni! Helped me massively to focus on my dissertation and having more free time to get stuff done than hanging. I now drink every now and again, never feel the NEED to drink, but it's nice when on a night out with friends. Having come off a bodybuilding competition diet I'd much rather enjoy eating all the rich food I couldn't before rather than get wasted
  20. I bought mine from here mate and had them changed this Monday gone http://www.hids-direct.co.uk/denso-spark-plugs-infiniti-ex-35-10-08-super-ignition-fxe22hr11/ All 6 for HR for around £76 Cheapest I could find anywhere by a long way
  21. I've just reserved click and collect for the Halfords Advanced Professional 200 Piece Socket and Ratchet Spanner Set Down to £125
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