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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Ouch that's bloody painful mate! Get some SGS Uprated Struts and be done with it man, that's what I did with my Nismo V2!
  2. I think I'm gonna go for Bilt Hamber wheel cleaner and the EZ brush. Bilt around £10 for a litre and EZ is £20 - sound about right?
  3. Thanks guys - will check out the options you've provided
  4. So I ran out of Iron X over the weekend. Made good use of it and it seemed to work well. Just wondering if there's anything else I could try out this time round? Also I'm looking at getting new wheels with multi spokes so would also look at getting an alloy wheel brush as well. Hit me with your options guys
  5. I'm a complete noob when it comes to wheels and fitments, so will go down to the supplier who fortunately for me is local so can do some test fits to see what works best
  6. Currently looking into XXR 527 in 18s Nice ..... I think you will have to go super wide to get that aggressive look with 18" ...... Also consider the enkie rpf1..... i think thats what they're called Thanks man, just had a look at the Enkei's and I'm not too keen on that design. I was in between the XXR 527 and 530, but I've seen quite a few with similar design to the 530 but not many with 527 so gonna go for those. Love the concave style
  7. Currently looking into XXR 527 in 18s
  8. Thanks for the comments guys, yeah my cousins beemer is bagged and looks awesome when slammed and when driving low. He's done a hybrid turbo conversion and that car can shift I tell you! Absolutely love the chargespeed rear end on mine, first time washing her since I had the bumper sprayed and fitted and she looks amazing if I don't say so myself next up I'm looking at some decent wheels to try and finish off the look..."famous last words"
  9. The 400Z will prob be out by that time Brad!
  10. My cousin came over yesterday in his E46 330d and we had a bit of fun washing both cars - here's some pics for your leisure Before we started Comparing my wheels to his using Iron X! Snowfoam Did a shampoo afterwards and the final outcome below - didn't have time to wax this time round Some Instagram editing
  11. Wheels look awesome Bhav! Much better than the old Touring ones
  12. Of course it's staged! But still funny nonetheless each to their own sense of humour
  13. Yeah it's his son and he's in for a laugh as well
  14. chirag1988

    New Wheels

    Wheels looks f*ckin awesome mate! Me want!
  15. Would something like this work at all? https://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/6692-sd-quick-member-tag/
  16. I'm sure most of you have probably seen this already, but still has me in stitches everytime I watch it http://uk.complex.com/music/2015/12/queenz-flip-hilarious-rap-song-reactions-in-car
  17. Nope all mine! hehehe Would be handy to have though
  18. Hi guys, is it possible to tag other user's in posts so they get a notification when they've been tagged?
  19. I think the question is...where do YOU live?
  20. Just saw this whilst browsing - everything about it rings alarm bells lol http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2006-NISSAN-350-Z-BLACK-MOTD-FULL-SER4VICE-HISTORY-A-CRACKING-CAR/221956419311?_trksid=p2047675.c100009.m1982&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140328180637%26meid%3Daaa9bfd13fa34218b97d53628c5d4aad%26pid%3D100009%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D111839583769
  21. I'm in Barkingside, near Ilford mate. Few of us meet up now and again so keep you eyes peeled on the Meets section
  22. +1 for Sky, they were the cheapest for me and also no issues with any of my mods
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