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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. Looks great so far man, looking forward to seeing it all put back together BTW where did you get your LED rear indicator/fog/reverse set from and how much were they?
  2. Came down to Portsmouth to spend some time with my mate and we took some snaps with our cars
  3. Very tidy looking zed there mate with some nice mods
  4. Thanks guys that's me done for 2015! Car is looking just how I want...for now! Let's see what 2016 brings...
  5. Car is looking on point mate gonna look awesome with the chargespeed fitted
  6. That's turned out really well mate. Wasn't keen on the v2 spoiler on it's own it looked top heavy. But with the bumper and dark wheels it looks spot on Thanks man I didn't really have a plan with the mods, but they sort of fell into place on their own and worked out just right
  7. Parked up at work this morning and thought...why not!!
  8. Your dad will love it mate can I be second?
  9. Met Graham a couple of times at meets, the first being Wales 2014 and have to say he's an awesome guy!
  10. Thanks Steve! I'd never really been too focused on wheels, and had always said if I did change them it would prob be the second-to-last thing I'd do (last thing being suspension - low car no good in London lol). But now that I've had these on I'm well chuffed with the result and how it totally transforms the look of the car
  11. When will the team be making a decision as to who's pics been chosen? If you haven't got enough I'm happy to submit more
  12. SRB Power? Picked up my XXRs from there this week http://srbpower.com/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/86570-chirag1988s-build-thread-i-needed-new-tyres-sopage-11/page__st__200
  13. Ok just checked the tyres myself and turns out they are on correctly! It did seem like they were on backwards but its just the tread pattern. All four corners read OUTSIDE on the wall, and a quick search on google for the tyres shows the tread pattern goes in a "wavy" direction (see pic below of example of my tyre) Maxxis Victra Sport Zero One http://www.oponeo.co.uk/Temp/maxxis-victra-sport-vs-01-13484-t-f-l600-sk3.png
  14. Where are you getting a steering wheel re-trim done? Sent from my potato using duct tape Not getting that done now either as I've just spent out cash on new wheels! http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/86570-chirag1988s-build-thread-i-needed-new-tyres-sopage-11/page__st__200 On another note - I believe steering wheel re-trims are done by Jack at Royal Wheels? http://royalsteeringwheels.com/
  15. Right now that I got me some new shiny wheels I need to get some detailing stuff for them for sure! Stuck between EZ brush or Wheel Woolies!
  16. Wasnt just me then lol! Tyre guru agrees Will do Dan, not my daily so sleeping in the garage at the moment so no dramas there
  17. I hope so, don't wanna go through the hassle of going back down and having them changed over
  18. Hmm I didn't check mate, will do when I get home tonight!
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