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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. [quote name='SuperStu' timestamp='1452173376' post='1571030'] [quote name='chirag1988' timestamp='1452171290' post='1571016'] [quote name='ioneabee' timestamp='1452166888' post='1570976'] [quote name='chirag1988' timestamp='1452163735' post='1570950'] Sounds good! How do I make a payment? I'd like just one A3 please [/quote] added to the list as above - you'll be sent a payment request closer to the time [/quote] Lol I'd already added myself! Was just asking about payment details [/quote] Yeah, rookie mod mistake by me, apologies. You've been unadded now. I'll PM everyone and share payment details and gather addresses etc once the numbers are nailed down. [/quote] No probs Stu
  2. [quote name='ioneabee' timestamp='1452166888' post='1570976'] [quote name='chirag1988' timestamp='1452163735' post='1570950'] Sounds good! How do I make a payment? I'd like just one A3 please [/quote] added to the list as above - you'll be sent a payment request closer to the time [/quote] Lol I'd already added myself! Was just asking about payment details
  3. Sounds good! How do I make a payment? I'd like just one A3 please
  4. Trying to find a courier to ship the gallon of oil I've got up for sale but most of them have stated it as a prohibited item. Any recommendations of one that I can use to ship it?
  5. Just saw you drive down Barkingside High Street...just caught a glimpse of the back end from my office and think it had facelift rear tail lights too
  6. [quote name='Lyndzzz' timestamp='1452086078' post='1570532'] If it's like last year, when you open your calendar [/quote] Ah ok, I didn't buy one last year so didn't know how it worked lol
  7. [quote name='SuperStu' timestamp='1452083865' post='1570514'] [quote name='chirag1988' timestamp='1452074607' post='1570452'] Hey Stu, any news on when the pics will be chosen and calendars being made? [/quote] So close, I'm just waiting on an email response from the printers and, depending on the response, we should be good to go. [/quote] Awesome...now the more important one...when do we know if our pic's been chosen?
  8. Hey Stu, any news on when the pics will be chosen and calendars being made?
  9. Yep they have been since I sold mine 4 years back. I lost 7000quid in 18 months on mine , but since then the prices seem to have remained solid. Sods law really! OUCH!! I'm keeping hold of mine for the near future, zed ticks all boxes for me at the moment and will do until the need for back seats
  10. Parked a bit close to the car next to you haven't you Adrian??
  11. Almost there now mate, looking forward to the finished article
  12. Have you moved to Hainault yet? I'm expecting to see a blue zed up and down the high street
  13. Driven one of these but not tuned to 420bhp! Loved the power and the interior, but it just didn't have that "WOW" factor you get with the zed. It still looks like a standard TT unless you know to look for the quad exhausts and it didn't make me look back at it as I walked away either. But again the power delivery was fookin awesome!!
  14. Haha cheers man. No harm in having extra oil for the future...Go on you know you want to
  15. Have an unopened 5L gallon of the above for sale for £40 if anyone wants it. It's quite heavy so collection would be preferred and happy to meet in and around London if needed. If you want it posted please let me know your location and I'll find out postage costs. Thanks for looking
  16. Yeah and will take my paint with it then!
  17. chirag1988


    Amazing what a difference a rattle can makes eh
  18. Thanks guys, will give it a go when the weather clears up a bit and yes will also tether it somehow so it doesn't fall off either!
  19. I've bought one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301719141396?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I'm using it with my EE Action Camera at the moment, and have used the suction mount from the inside of the windscreen and it has a strong hold. I want to try it out on the outside of the car next, but just a bit concerned as to how the suction will effect the paintwork if at all? Wanted to try it out on the back of the car to get some good sound clips of the exhaust and also some POV positions as well. Anyone had or heard of any issues with the suction mount on the paintwork/bodywork?
  20. What about the XXRs that I'm running? They got quite a few options here http://srbpower.com/wheels/xxr-wheels/
  21. Hmm...prob doesn't help lol but I'm not really a fan of those wheels I'm afraid
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