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  1. Looking for a good independent dealer to service the zed

  2. hi all new 350 owner here , looking forward to exchanging news and views as an ex Alfa owner I was a member of the Alfa owners club and it proved to be a valuable asset when asking advice and sorting any problems , hoping this will offer the same service
  3. New Zed brought today was it a good move time will tell certainly looks and sounds the part couple of niggles you more experienced owners may be able to enlighten me on Little yellow engine light malfunction came on after I parked up then re- started manual says take it to dealer there is no missfire or apparent problem Road noise from tyres sounds like whoop whoop had this on my Alfa GT and was caused by saw toothing which is a result of wheel camber settings on certain sports coupes so I am told, Any advise will be nore than appreciated R,s Ade
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