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Everything posted by liamgdr
Im looking to replace all the discs and pads on my uk gt spec zed. Im not looking for an upgrade as I never track, just an equal standard to brembo parts. Whats the best price you traders can do? Cheers, Liam.
Cheers, I had no idea that they would be able to do that, ill get onto them today.
Ive just been looking at locking wheel nuts, I've noticed the ones on my car are also mcgard, how long did it take for you to get your replacement key? Did you need a product code, the description on halford's website says there is an infinite amount of patterns so I don't understand how they would make a replacement key. Liam.
Unfortunately I don't, its shiny so must have been fitted recently by the previous owner.
Cheers guys, I had read on other forums that kits cost upwards of £150 but £25 isn't too unreasonable, ill try a few old sockets first and if I don't succeed ill go get myself a kit.
Went to remove my wheels today and I couldn't find the key, I think i left it on my attached last time I used it so it could be anywhere by now. Im contemplating using the "whack a similar sized socket on to the nut" method but I have to do all 4 wheels and want to avoid any damage the best I can. Has anyone on here had any luck removing locking wheel nuts without the key? Cheers, Liam.
So i took one wheel off today, I had a good yank on everything that moves and nothing was loose, I'm leaning towards the idea that it could be the pads now, I took the pads out, should there be a shim on the back of the pad? these were just completely metal. Liam
I thought maybe something similar, but it is really loud and clunky rather than clicky, it doesn't sound like pads moving, I guess ill have to have jack it up and have a good look tomorrow. Liam.
Im well aware of the common rear axle click and I have tried using the search function but I can't find anything that relates to my problem. About two months ago I started hearing a clicking noise when applying the brakes at slow speed, I was going to do the rear axle greasing today. I got a mate to drive the car while I stood at the rear of the car listening to which side was clicking. But straight away it was really obvious that all four corners click, first the front two then the rear two more noticeably, I also usually have really squeaky brakes and when driving over uneven surfaces I get creaking from what sounds like the rear, I'm not sure if any of the problems are linked together. Any idea what it could be, the problem appeared over night and I can't imagine the front, rear, left and right all developing the same fault on the same day. Its definitely a strange one, any ideas? Cheers, Liam
Ill do what alex said this weekend. When removing the cover is it as easy as removing the bolts around the outer edges and pulling it off or is there more to it. Would worn cam lobes mean a new cam shaft needed? Finally does anyone know what the valve clearances should be? I've never done any work like this on a car so feel way in over my head but ive got to learn it somehow
I currently have 5w-30 in my car, it's not a rev up, I've read numerous times that a thicker oil can quiet a engine, I'm not talking 20w50 but 5w40, 10w30 etc.
If this is just a general noise from the cam chain, lifters, other moving parts etc, could swapping the oil for something thicker make the engine quieter? From what I have read 5w30 is best for cold starts, but I only use my car on weekends and wouldn't mind spending time warming the engine up.
I think that will be the plan for next weekend, can the clearances be adjusted? However I had the car looked at today by a mechanic and he wasn't bothered by the noise, said it was pretty normal cam chain noise, so im not sure where to take it from here.
Fitted the new fuel damper, unfortunately the ticking is still there. Rechecked the oil, it looks good, but when I rub it on a metal surface with my finger I can feel very small pieces of grit, too small to see. The oil was only changed it the last 2000 miles, so isn't old. I'm going to replace the oil this weekend, I'm going to get either motul or Fuchs, but is it worth running some cheap supermarket oil through the engine for 30-40 miles first to remove the crap before I put the good oil in? Cheers, Liam.
Had a listen through a stethoscope today, the fuel dampener on the left makes a high pitch quiet tick the other one makes a lower frequency knocking, the same sound I can hear when in the cabin, so I appear to have found the fault . The only problem I have now is fitting the dampener, is it easy? Looks like it should be, wheres the best place on the internet for nissan parts? Cheers, Liam.
Best comment ever God knows what the neighbors were thinking
sorry just re-read peteman35's reply, as both fuel dampners make the same sound im guessing they both cant be faulty? Looks like 'Im going to have to get it to a garage at weekend. Any decent places near stockport/manchester.
Just had a look, is there two fuel dampners? I found something that looked like a brass mushroom directly under the air intake to the engine and an other to the left of the engine ( a lot more visible ). Both made fast ticks when i listened to them through a screwdriver, but the sound does appear to be coming from underneath the air intake. Is this a common problem? Cheers.
Im not great with engines, is the fuel regulator related to the fuel dampner?
Cheers mate, ill go have a look now.
Yeh it speeds up, but its hard to hear at higher revs over the exhaust, its quite quiet in the cabin.
Hi guys im new to the forum, I just bought a zed on saturday, until yesterday it was running great, not a problem. However yesterday when I pulled onto my drive I noticed a fast tick coming from the engine bay, at first it sounded like it was something to do with the a/c because you can hear it better in the cabin than outside the car, but I had a look again this morning and it seems to be coming from the top of the engine. I took a pic of where it was coming from and also got a video. I've had a look at the oil and its the right level and is a dark syrup looking colour, basically like its from the bottle. Any ideas what it could be, I just want to get out in the car but don't want to do any damage. Cheers, Liam.