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  1. Im not to bothered about the £850 but it seems a shame to let it go, I'll have a look at collection agencies, would they be interested though?
  2. Just found the company. http://www.tongparkcarsleeds.co.uk Now based in Leeds, as they are now a LTD company I can't chase them, I only have a name Mr A S Elahi who is the former registered owner, I can't find any link between them using google, I don't even have an address for him.
  3. Hopefully someone can help me with this situation, I think it may be too old to do anything though. 5 years ago I bought my first car from a motor trader in Bradford. Everything looked good at first, however when I got home I found that although the radio worked it didn't detect cd's, once I found this was a £250 fix I contacted the dealer I bought it from and he said bring it down on the weekend and he would replace the cd player. After a 65 mile one way journey he point blank refused to fix it and said I never spoke to him. Obviously fuming I had the car checked at a local garage and found around £500 of other problems, I sent him letters/emails, never received anything back, eventually we ended up in court. I won £815 (July 2010), however the business wasn't a LTD company and the judgment was made against an individual person, the person who was in court was the guy who sold me the car although he only bought the company 1 month prior to the court hearing and refused to acknowledge he had ever worked there prior to buying it or knew who I was. Basically as soon as they knew I was taking them to court they transferred the business to a family member/friend, I tried chasing this at the time but I never got anywhere, I moved house changed jobs etc and forgot about the whole thing until today when I found the 'General form of Judgment' from Bradford County Court for £815. Is there anything that can be done with this, or should I let it go? Thanks, Liam.
  4. So I currently live my girl friend at her parents house, we are looking for a place of our own to move into, today I found a perfect apartment on zoopla I requested a viewing and was emailed back a couple of hours later. I'm quite suspicious, it seems like someone might be trying to draw us into a scam, I'll explain further. First email: The landlord states he is looking for a tenant to move in as soon as possible. He has signed a contract to work in Greece for next four years so his apartment in the UK is empty. He states he would like to use www.airbnb.com for the rental agreement and transactions of money. He mentions he is not currently living in the UK. My response: We express we are interested and want to take it further. We ask if there is anyone in Manchester who can show us around the property. Second email: He says no one can show us the property but using Airbnb both parties are protected as they hold funds until 24 hrs after we have moved in and everything is ok. I've responded asking more questions about the flat but the more I think about it the more it seems like a scam, any ideas? If genuine I would rent on a one week agreement first to see the property then pursue a longer agreement. Im 95% sure I'm going to walk away from this but would like to know if anyone else has had any similar experiences. Cheers, Liam.
  5. Thanks, I should copyright it, anyone wishing to use my hand method instead of the inferior paper alternative, pm me for usage rights and payment details .
  6. I've had a look for the bracket and flange and can't find anything, I will have a proper look in the morning, I must have put them in a bag.
  7. I don't think it had one , I'll have a look around in the shed, but I can't picture one. Do all kits come with the heat shield? The actually filter on mine is slightly different, has a textured look to it. Edit: Yes I do, I had no paper
  8. The police aren't interested, the exact same thing happened to me last year. I was driving down a one way road, double yellows on either side, and there was a white rusty transit in the middle going now where, I waited 45-60 seconds then beeped, waited another 45-60 and beeped again. I got out to find the guy, amazingly he was sat in the drivers seat on his phone. He saw me then turned away still on his phone, I knocked on his window, he got out of the van said the usual "f**k off I'm on the f**king phone and pushed me backwards, I pushed him backs into his van and shouting went backwards and forwards. There was a worker who saw the whole thing while he was having a break. I was the closest I've ever been to truly spanking someone but I thought, I have a witness I'll phone the police and rightfully claim that I've been assaulted. Eventually the police turned up, the white van man was all friendly and cracking jokes and the police told me there was nothing that could be done, apparently I was the aggressor, they weren't interested in the witness or my passengers account of what happened. Lesson learnt, I've lost hope in the police, never used them for anything since, always stand up for yourself it makes you feel a lot better.
  9. Price reduced to £65, cmon guys I can't even get a decent escort now, will have to go to the cheap place in town
  10. This is a great amp, probably not the right forum to be selling it on but hey ho. Price drop to £110 (not including postage) This is the only price drop I'll do as it retails at £190 and is still brand new. Whoever buys it is getting a true bargain.
  11. Price reduced to £80, I have no use for this anymore.
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