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Everything posted by Ponsonby

  1. Just tie a couple of 9-pack toilet rolls together and sling them over the back like panniers and you should get away with it. Essential items ..
  2. It was possibly developed by one James McCormick the inventor of that most excellent bomb detector??
  3. You can wash it within an hour, is better exercise than a walk, and less likely to come into contact with anyone else. I suppose that if the police have a word with you then you can just claim to be 'decontaminating' it and show them your bottle of revolt (other manufacturers products are available).
  4. Yes, still got one. On my 5th now. I intend to write an ownership thread but just don't seem to have the time at the moment...
  5. Funny how in these strange times you do the slightest of jobs but feel a great sense of satisfaction for having done it - then retire indoors for a well earned beer : )
  6. Could you not have just put a mixing bowl on your head? I am old enough to remember the Purdy cut : )
  7. You been self isolating for too long??
  8. Told my wife I am planning on getting another air rifle. My work premises are in the countryside and get plenty of rabbits, pigeon and squirrels. We fed squirrel to our Scouts a couple of years back - around 50% were horrified but the other 50% loved it. We did get a few complaints from parents when their kids got home and the parents were discovering rabbits feet and squirrel tails in their bags and one in a sleeping bag.
  9. Can't really help with this - hair growth is not something I have experienced for quite a few years now. What polish do you use would be a better question for me : )
  10. The rectangular one will be a lap timer. The circular one a vacuum gauge. Vacuum gauges are often used in engine diagnostics, I assume it is fitted as an early indication of engine problems. With you being a car noob I am surprised you have bought this car - possibly thrashed to within an inch of its life.
  11. I managed to get a small bag of rice the other day. I was so excited and proud of myself I told everyone..
  12. Is that your Ivan Drako gym to my Rocky Balboa gym?
  13. Still working. Got my staff working from home now and we only have one person go into the office / warehouse when we have a few orders to ship. We supply speciality items used in biotech to universities, research establishments and private companies. It is eerily quiet but there is obviously some pretty important work going on so we will remain operational. Big, big thanks to all of you above for the great work you are doing.
  14. I was trying to find something in the garage to do overhead lifts with but the only thing I could find of a suitable weight was my BBQ gas bottle. Maybe not a good idea but then going out in a big explosion is preferable to C-19
  15. I'm on the program with you Stu. Did a full hour yesterday, thought I worked really hard but no aches today. I'll send a tweet to Arnie and ask his if he can revise the program for us. I suspect that he hasn't given us the full info because he doesn't want us getting bigger than him.
  16. Someone may be along soon to suggest what the problem may be. Does not sound like 'clicky axle' but clicky axle can affect all models including 370Z. Tarmac Sportz in Derby are excellent and you will always get good, honest advice from Bob.
  17. Your car is the base model (non GT) and the wheels are correct for that model.
  18. Well said G Man. Thought the same yesterday - when many are hiding and hoarding, the shop workers are getting breathed on by every Tom, Dick and Harry (plenty of Dicks) and have no protective equipment.
  19. There are usually less people in my local pub than there are in my house - my man maths suggests I am safer in the pub? It would be frowned upon if I go to the supermarket and fill a trolley full of bog roll but do you think it acceptable if I fill it with Jack Daniels instead?
  20. The front bumper lights are daytime running lights. They should be ON all the time (engine running) when the headlights are OFF. When you turn the headlights ON then the daytime running lights go OFF. The S is when the rev synchro is activated. It will stay on unless to press the button to turn it off.
  21. Thanks for organising this Davey. Weather in Cheshire before I left was dry, started raining around Stafford I think. Same story coming home, nice and dry up here in Cheshire. Roadworks are endless on the M6 heading north with a 50mph speed limit. Cruising in 6th at a steady 50 my 370 was returning 40mpg! Soon undone when I got bored and peeled off the M6 heading for more interesting A roads. Thanks again.
  22. Whoops of delight in the office today when someone discovered 2 bottles of sanitiser in the back of a cupboard. I immediately confiscated it and placed it in the company safe. Staff have been informed not to disclose this information in case we become a target for a robbery.
  23. Is this your pasta dish recipe?? Yum. My daughter is annoyed because she is gluten free and where shops have been running out of normal pasta people have been buying the gluten free instead so she is struggling to get any. You don't eat gluten free pasta for the hell of it (tastes awful), you eat it because you have to. Eating products containing gluten will probably make her more ill than if she gets Coronavirus.
  24. Sounds like it is just a rag soaked in cooking oil? I am sure it will give a nice glossy appearance and hide the scratches for a very short time. I'm sure I have come across a couple of car dealers that have used something similar : )
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