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Everything posted by Ponsonby

  1. My son is in the process of rendering his video of the day. Will post it up as soon as he has done it. Although not really into modding, i really enjoyed the day and will go again next year. We got rather wet between 8.30am and 10.30 but it dried up nicely. Time Attack cars were good, but the Group B rally cars hooning around the track were better. Nice addition to the day. And the V8 engined MK1 Escort .... My 370 was not on display, just parked up by the track. Fell asleep in the car for 10 mins at lunchtime (its my age), only to wake and find a crowd of people around the car taking photo's. Somewhere on the internet there will now be photo's of some old fart asleep in a nice car next to a racetrack. How embarassing.
  2. I am planning to go with my son since we only live 30 minutes away from Oulton Park. Went down well with the other half since it is our Wedding Anniversary weekend and the 370 is strictly 2 seater - oops!
  3. Welcome back. The 370 does get attention. I followed a grey Aston Martin through slow traffic the other day and the Z attracted more attention than the Aston Living with the standard exhaust for now but when I start getting itchy feet, will upgrade for a new experience.
  4. Your courier will probably have an agreement with UPS to deliver parcels up to a set size and weight for a fixed price. Because your parcel exceeded those dimensions, UPS will have added a surcharge which your courier is now trying to pass on to you. If you had told your courier the size and weight before they quoted you then it is their mistake. You need to speak to their Customer Services and get it resolved. I use UPS a lot and have an account with them. Our rates are really good, but only up to a certain size and weight. Anything above that and we have to get a specific quote.
  5. Stupid, stupid, stupid. To many people voting for the wrong reasons. As the EU pulls research funding to UK Universities, watch as the 'brain drain' starts and our most talented people move out of the UK in search of funding. Since we have few exports left apart from our technical and scientific knowhow this will be disastrous, not immediately but in years to come. I really, really do hope I am wrong but I think that many will not realise what they have just done. At least it will reduce immigration - there will be nothing to come here for!
  6. The EU is not perfect, we all know that. But when the alternative is a leap into the unknown with potential significant financial consequences, it is not really much of an alternative. Seems to be too much of 'lets vote out and see what happens' and no real tangible plan. Some people are brave enough to leave their current job and then start looking for another - but they usually have a plan and some savings behind them. Most people have something else lined up properly and in writing before leaving....
  7. Nice one Adrian. I really hope that your post will influence more people to vote to stay in. As pointed out, the exit chief campaigner Boris will be just fine even if the country collapses under a 'leave' vote. I wonder if he would stake his fortune on everything being OK if he is so convinced? Wonder where he has his money stashed - probably no-where near the FTSE100.
  8. Hi Martin, I guess you bought the one from Motorpoint? Not sure why they kept dropping the price so quickly but I also bought a white GT Edition from not far away and every time the Motorpoint one went down, so did the one I was watching - so very pleased with what I paid for mine too. Welcome to the White GT Edition club : )
  9. I am not into modding or engine bay bling but have to admit that this looks really good. Good work Mark. Note to self, must not read such threads in case I get infected with Zeditus ...
  10. It has been a bit of a wait but just 2.5 hours now till I collect my 370Z Can't decide if I am more excited about getting back into a Z or the prospect of getting rid of the Corsa VXR that I have been driving around during 'the search'. Great fun for the first few weeks but becoming very wearing indeed - a car definitely not suitable for a man of my years. At least my plan worked. Drive the other half around some bumpy roads in the Corsa to the point where she hates it and wants me to change it - 'oh go on then Dear, if I must' .... Note to my son - if you are reading this, do not show it to your mother!
  11. I just bought one, collect it Tuesday, so thankfully found it before you did : ) There is one for sale on Autotrader (up North) through Motorpoint I think. If I recall correctly it is a 2013, 6K miles and up for around £21.5K. A little over your budget but if you want a super low mileage car .... That car has dropped 1.5k since being put up for sale! I'm watching autotrader like a hawk lol It was also at the Burnley dealership at some point ! Yes i had noticed the price drop so enquired,but there are a few other charges so the price goes up to nearly £22.5k !!There is a 14plate Nismo near me for £24.5k with similar mileage,if i had the extra wonga thats where i'd be heading Really - w I just bought one, collect it Tuesday, so thankfully found it before you did : ) There is one for sale on Autotrader (up North) through Motorpoint I think. If I recall correctly it is a 2013, 6K miles and up for around £21.5K. A little over your budget but if you want a super low mileage car .... That car has dropped 1.5k since being put up for sale! I'm watching autotrader like a hawk lol It was also at the Burnley dealership at some point ! The one I just bought had only been for sale for a few days then suddenly dropped £2K. I was interested at the original price so immediately pounced. The sales guy was quite surprised that it had been dropped but reckoned that they, and many other dealers, benchmark their prices against others that are for sale at the time. I guess it is possible that the drop in the Motorpoint car price caused the drop in the one I have bought. I did think that since they had dropped the price they would take the mickey with my px value but they actually gave me a good px price which was £1K more than WBAC etc.
  12. Also keep an eye out on the Nissan web site, browse their used cars. Although they are 'generally' more expensive than private sales you do get a car that has been properly checked (in theory) and a warranty. Most private sellers are asking what I just paid from a Nissan dealer so there are some good deals to be had plus peace of mind. Point to note is that I bought my 350Z from a main dealer and lost around £500 in two years of ownership so you can get good deals from dealerships if you look hard enough.
  13. I just bought one, collect it Tuesday, so thankfully found it before you did : ) There is one for sale on Autotrader (up North) through Motorpoint I think. If I recall correctly it is a 2013, 6K miles and up for around £21.5K. A little over your budget but if you want a super low mileage car ....
  14. Hi Rich, No, does not start with CF12. Would have been concerned if it did have a huge history file since it all looks standard and has only done 16K miles : )
  15. Missed my 2009 Temper Orange 350Z so much since selling it last October that I have just been out and bought a GT Edition 370Z. No pics yet, will have to wait till I pick it up. I think that I was beginning to annoy the dealer with my nitpicking but am keen to get a close to perfect car. Its a 2012 in Pearl White with the flappy paddles - fancied the paddles just for a change, I am sure there are arguements for and against them. Considered a whole host of other cars, closest runner was Cayman but although it is most likely the better drivers car, the 370 wins on looks and value for money. Just need to be patient now and wait for the call that my new baby is ready ....
  16. The money you put in will have already been taxed, so what they are really doing is giving you back the tax you have paid - similar to paying into pensions. I guess that anyone that is able to save £4K a year will be paying at least the basic rate of tax. The annoying thing with these schemes is that although they probably cannot take back what they have given you, future governments can stop or change the schemes. It would be better if they were properly 'set in stone' so you young un's could plan your futures better. Some of us are too old for these schemes but I take an interest for my kids sake.
  17. Not convinced the price will drop by much, if at all. If you had bought a MK2 RS a few years ago for £20K you would be selling it for close to £20K now - can't say that about many cars.
  18. Loved my Temper Orange 350Z. The picture does not do the colour justice. Think I would get rid of the black though if it has just been wrapped. Looks a bit too 'fast and furious' for my liking but then I am 50+.
  19. So this is Marmite flavoured chocolate? What they really need is Creme Egg style - chocolate egg filled with a Marmite soft centre. Yum!
  20. Maybe not the coolest but I have a 2015 Hyundai Tucson. Went for 4x4 version because I want/need a 4wd not something pretending to be a 4wd. So far very happy with it. It looks good, well specced, and if you barter hard can be had quite cheaply. And economy (diesel) is very good indeed. Looked at Evoque because they look good but interior space is rubbish. Like the look of Macan but too much money for something that I, or the kids, may wreck.
  21. Complete and utter tw*t. Not done himself any favours there at all. Like a petulant child. Would imagine that Nico can just see any chance of him ever being a World Champion slipping away - and must be frustrating. They are all in the sport 'to race' and the ultimate goal is to be WC at least once. Probably even more annoying to be constantly beaten and psyched out by an old friend. Guess that Lewis will now try to rub salt in the wounds and win the last few races.
  22. Just the horizontal tonneau left - reduced to £25 including shipping.
  23. The following parts are for sale from my 2009 350Z. All are unmarked, as new. The emblems are brand new, only unwrapped to take photo's. Please pm me if interested, prices include shipping. 350Z boot carpet - £45 SOLD! Horizontal tonneau - £35 Now £25 Z emblems, satin silver - £25 the pair (brand new) SOLD! Luggage net - £10 SOLD !
  24. I recently sold my 2009 350Z, not enough miles each year and could not put the dog in it. Missed having something to play around in so bought a 197 last week. I had considered them for years but always put off by looks, interior etc. Have to say though, I am very impressed by performance and handing and all the things I don't like are completely negated by the fun factor. Never done a track day but is on my bucket list so this 197 will definitely see the track. Not a car that I look back at when I have parked it but one I do look forward to driving.
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