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Everything posted by Ponsonby

  1. What revs are you at when you try to shift up? as far as I can tell from 1 to 5 it has to be at or above 2k before it will shift up which is fine. If you try to drive it like a normal gearbox in manual it wont be happy, use each gear as you shift up or down and it behaves much more reasonably. I only use manual when I want to put on a bit of pace and it reacts perfectly. Driver error, not gearbox error I have only had the beep when driving like a nun and trying to change into 4th at less than 30mph. But usually in slow traffic situations, or town driving, i am in full 'wafting' auto anyway.
  2. I went from a 350Z HR to a 370Z auto. Love the drive of the 370, and the more modern looks and interior. Only complaint is how it sounds but intend to rectify that soon. I bought a GT Edition which claims to have revised suspension for our roads and am really pleased with how it soaks up the bumps - no crashiness, tramlining, etc. Very good ride quality indeed. Went for flappy paddles for something different. I like the fact that you can stick it in full auto and just waft around, or use the paddles when on a charge. However, I would have been equally happy with a manual box. I was more concerned with finding the right car at the right price than the gearbox. As others have said the 350 is more raw which suits some people better. Test drive a couple and decide for yourself but I dont think any of us 370Z owners regret our choice.
  3. I would agree with Hodaka. Get some decent quality flyers produced and put the legwork in. A local printers may even help you with the artwork and layout for your flyer. Hit all local residential areas, businesses and shops. Go for the more affluent residential areas where they can afford to pay a painter and / or are too busy to do it themselves. Do a good job and word of mouth will spread and of course make sure your van / vehicle is always tidy and clean and has your contact details.
  4. I used a scuff master kit on my 350 - however it was only to do the beading around the edge of the seat. Provided was a tan / orange dye with a white dye and a darker orange to mix to get the right colour. The finish will never be as good as using a professional, such as Ricey, but was a quick fix for me. I used hardly any of it and have most left if you want it - pm me your address. Obviously I accept no responsibility for the results or quality of your work
  5. Will keep an eye of for you. Located in Nantwich. I will be in a white 370z, GT Edition
  6. Mitsubushi Outlander - Peugeot 4007 Loads of space and 4WD fun - and heaps cheaper than LR The 4007 is built in Japan, same platform as Outlander, so is better bolted together than usual Peugeot stuff.
  7. Maybe worth a PM to Baidan as he does mention the cars going Friday so maybe it's not too late, ...unless he's signed something with the dealer. Worth a message though I'd say if you're serious. In my experience, most dealers don't give a monkeys if you decide to sell your p/x privately, even after signing a deal. Very few actually put the car on their own forecourt and just send it straight to auction. I have also found that the likes of 'we buy any car' and 'we want any car' often offer more than a dealer will offer in p/x. When I sold my 350, I got significantly more from wbac than I was offered by the dealer in p/x and more than I had advertised the car for on this forum. OP - take your time and get a better deal, even if you sell cheap on here for £13K. Speak to the dealership, explain that you want a little more time to see if you can get a better price for your car. As long as you stay comitted to purchasing your BMW from them they will probably be fine with you. Put your details in WBAC and WWAC and see what they offer - may surprise you but if they offer low then at least you know you are getting a 'fair' p/x offer from dealer. Note that WBAC etc. knock you down a bit on price for damage to the car but if car is immaculate you will get what they offer online.
  8. Anyone fitted these to standard 370Z wheels? Had a quick look and they don't look like they will fit properly - sharp edge to the rim and quite a gap between rim and tyre.
  9. Welcome to the White GT Edition club Few of us on here now. Road noise can be intrusive, particularly on wet roads. I bought the thickest boot mat I could find which helps a little. Boot mat was around £35 (non-nissan) but had to send the company the pattern so they could make it for me. They originally listed that they sold one for 370Z but when it turned up it was for 350Z. The marketing info for the GT Edition states that it has improved sound deadening
  10. Ponsonby


    +1 for Hyundai. I have a 2015 Tucson. Great car, really pleased with it. The ix35 really dropped in price when the Tucson came out so you can probably get a high spec, late model for a good price. And will have balance of the 5 year warranty. Kia Sorrento and Sportage look pretty good value too, with 7 year warranty.
  11. Here's one - auto as well. Not a Boxster fan but it does look very nice in that colour. http://www.kennydunn.co.uk/used-cars/porsche-boxster-2-7-981-convertible-pdk-2dr-edinburgh-201509016520686
  12. Welcome to the White 2012 GT Edition club Good choice. What made you change the alloys? The standard ones are just perfect, imo. My car is currently standard but getting to the point where I need it to sound as good as it looks. Will soon be purchasing intake or panel filters and exhaust. The only other thing I may get done is to get the roof, rear diffuser and fangs wrapped in gloss black.
  13. 1. Stuggerz (Blue) 2. cov350z (red) 3. Randy_Baton (black 18") 4. Jet Set Z ( Black 18") 5. Erni902 (Orange 19") 6. Erni902 (Black 19") 7. davey_83 (silver) 8. flex (black 18") 9. Pimm Junior (Black 18") 10. Ekona (Orange 18") 11. ZedManTID (Yellow 19") 12. ZedManTID (Red 19") 13. Andy_Muxlow (Black 18") 14. PPod (silver 19") 15. Roadtrip (silver) 16. 14N (Black 19"). 17. Gizmo (Purple - Rays are 18" yh?) 18. modo (Blue) 19. Ponsonby (Black 19")
  14. Olly - what will be the delivery charge on these? If £5 or less then count me in for a set of Black, 19". Thanks.
  15. Looks absolutely amazing. Congratulations.
  16. There is one similar (or same one) at West Way Nissan. Up for £15.5K. I would probably offer £15K if they are not willing to sort out anything that needs doing. Would also want a fresh MOT. It is hard to find a 370 for less than £15K and if you are getting it from a dealership then at least you have some comeback plus a warranty. Make sure that everything you want doing is done before you accept the car, even if it is a Nissan Approved car dont assume that they have been over it properly. Once you have accepted it they just want you to claim on the warranty and that may not cover everything. My car is Nissan Approved and within days of taking delivery realised there were a few 'niggles'. Was a devil of a job trying to get the dealer to sort them, service said it was sales responsibility, sales said it was service responsibility, etc. Eventually got sorted though.
  17. Hi Twobears, I have owned a 2009 350Z HR and now a 2012 370Z GT Edition (Auto). As others have said, the 370 does not feel massively different (from the HR), but more updated. More modern looks, better interior, etc. And the wheels - I love the 370 wheels! I have only driven the GT Edition 370 which according to the blurb, has suspension that has been been better revised for UK / European roads. It is actually very good, soaks up bumps nicely and is not crashy even over some of the potholed roads around here. I bought the auto which is really Jeckyl and Hyde. You can stick it in full auto and just waft around in great comfort, or for a much more engaging drive use the paddles. There appears to be quite a difference in price between a 350 and 370 of similar ages. A 2009 350 HR and a 2009 370Z GT may have a price difference of £3K or more for similar mileage cars that may only have a few months between them so really depends on budget. Having owned both, I would have been just as happy if my budget had only stretched to a 350 HR again. Hope this helps, P
  18. Had one of these myself, in Red. Not good handling and massive turbo lag but what a hoot. Loved it to bits. Also had an S13 and S14 but the Sylvia is the one that introduced me to Nissan fun.
  19. Dear Uncle TT350, I have been using my Bullworker for 10 minutes every day (as recommended) for the last 30 years but still do not have a body like Charles Atlas promised. Please advise me what I am doing wrong. I have just been on holiday and am getting tired of having sand kicked in my face. My press ups are coming on though - I can go down now, just need to work on the up. P
  20. Japan for the weekend. Lightweight! I went to Taiwan for 4 hours, work. Must admit that my brain was rather 'confused' when I got back though. Have done several trips to Australia and NZ for only 3 days. Spent more time travelling to NZ than I was actually there.
  21. I went through a similar process and ended up getting a 370Z My budget was potentially higher but decided for looks, value for money and reliability it was going to be hard to beat the 370. The Auto is great. Full auto for effortless wafting town driving and then paddles for 'spirited driving'. GT Edition suspension gives a very smooth ride and soaks up the bumps in knackered roads easily. Just make sure you budget for a new exhaust. Way too quiet as standard.
  22. Ponsonby

    Corsa VXR

    I had an 09 VXR as a toy in between my 350 and 370. Fun for the first few weeks but they are a bit 'harsh' which began to annoy me - but then I am in the 50+ age group. VXR forum is awful, in comparison with this forum, but have a read up for likely problems. I don't think there are any major ones apart from piston 4 but even this is quite rare, and more common on cars that have been tinkered with. The boost is addictive and handling is good, great for B road blasts. The suspension is compliant on roads with a good surface but crashy on potholed roads, but still holds the road on uneven surfaces. Interior is not too bad, obviously nowhere near as good as my 350HR or 370, but is acceptable and recaro seats are excellent.
  23. Had to reverse up a waterlogged muddy bank at Oulton at the weekend, for a good viewing spot. Got stuck, as expected really, and was considering abandoning my plan when I remembered 'snow mode'. Hit the button and reversed up no problem at all. Well impressed
  24. So I take you for a day out, get soaking wet, pay for you, and you don't even have my car on your video. No more pocket money for you!
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