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Everything posted by Ponsonby

  1. Apologies if this has been covered before - I could not find it. Was the sound enhancement introduced on the 2016 models in the UK? How can you tell if you have it on / off? I think it has to be turned on/off by a dealer or a clever person with a box of tricks. What difference does it make to the 'engine' sound - is it loud / quiet, does it sound natural or clearly false?
  2. My son and I will hopefully come along. 370Z Nismo, white. Snap!
  3. Not knocking the GT Edition, loved it to bits. Just different beasts. After a few months of trying to lever myself into the Nismo Recaro's, at my more mature age, I will probably want the GT Edition back. I think that if I was using the car as a daily driver and not a toy, GT Edition would be my preference. Suspension is more forgiving and the auto would have been nice when I was stuck in traffic on the M6. How is your wife getting on with the Cobra exhaust? Not made you put the standard one on again has she The ladies in the bank counted the cash a heck of a lot faster than I did ....
  4. A bigger difference between the 2 cars than I expected. Some will be down to the fact my GT Edition was an auto and the Nismo is manual but the Nismo really does feel much more 'sporty' for want of a better word. It is not as harsh as I expected and rides well over our knackered roads and the Recaro seats more supportive than I first thought. Drove back 3 hours non stop and no sign of aches and pains - that is about my limit in my super comfy X Trail. What I really do like is the engine's willingness to rev and does not sound harsh at the top end. Tended to short shift in the GT Edition because it always sounded more thrashy when revved hard. So very happy indeed and slowly getting over the stress of one of the 2 bank transfers I made getting blocked - I owned half a car for 30 minutes or so while I sorted it out but seemed more like 3 hours!
  5. Yes I noticed that. Good luck and enjoy. We can compare notes in a couple of days ; )
  6. White. Was not too fussed on the colour as long as it was not black. Black looks great when clean but too much work to maintain.
  7. Sold my 370 GT Edition on Saturday. See the farewell video made by my son below. Hopefully picking up my 370Z Nismo (Mk2) today so long as it is as described by the seller - a forum member so am sure it will be. This will be my third Zed having previously owned a 350Z HR and the GT Edition. I considered loads of other cars before deciding on the Nismo but nothing else quite does it for me.
  8. Just sold my White GT Edition to a recently joined forum member - very nice gentleman and his wife who I am sure will post photo's very soon. Nice to know it is going to a good home. Since we avoided the car entering the 'dealer newtwork' I think we both got a deal we were happy with. I am now in the market for a 370Z Nismo, MK2. It will need to be pretty much standard, may accept an exhaust mod if not too noisy, and in near perfect condition since I am rather fussy. Please pm me with details and price if you have one to sell. Looking for white, silver or possibly red. Sorry not black. For me to buy a black one it would have to be an absolute steal so I could have it professional valeted on a regular basis. Thanks.
  9. That will be the one. But have a word with the traders on here, they may be able to get you a better deal.
  10. What is your budget and where are you located? I am currently pondering the idea of a 370Z Nismo, so my car could well be for sale .. It is a white 370Z GT Edition, Auto, 2012, 20K miles only, full history, 2 previous owners. I bought it as a Nissan Approved car around 5K miles ago, it has had new tyres within the last 1K miles and a Cobra half system fitted less than 12 months ago. The exhaust is the only mod and is a 'requirement' as any 370Z owner will know. Location is Nantwich, Cheshire. pm me please if interested.
  11. I would agree with the others - do not make a decision until you have had proper advice / quotes etc. Took my car to Nissan for minor service (for Nissan stamp) and they kindly carried out their multi point inspection, and came away with several hundred quids worth of 'recommendations'. It was bollocks, I fixed them all myself in a couple of hours. Wiper jets need replacing (£30 each plus labour) - cleaned out with pin, job done. 2 wheel bolts siezed, possibly cross threaded, cost unknown depends on damage. I used the standard wheel brace to remove them, they were stiff but not siezed or cross threaded. Lubed and put back - job done. Headlight washers not working - ooh very expensive. Replaced split pipe - job done! Similarly my wife took her Citroen to main dealer for a service and came away with a list of jobs that we fixed for a fraction of the quoted price. Our local 'trading standards approved' garage tells everyone that there is a lip on their discs and that they will need replacing soon. It has become a bit of a joke but I do wonder how many people end up paying for unnecessary work. Speak to someone you trust, post the list on here, and then decide what to do.
  12. It is pearl white. It has come up beautifully, super smooth and shiny, but a super shiny white car never 'shines' as well as a darker car. But then the advantage of white is that it does not show swirl marks as bad as a dark car.
  13. I think that I would be more worried by a 'cheap boxster' than a 350Z
  14. Why not arrange payment and collection immediately after the inspection so the person doing the inspection is present. As part of the inspection they should check all VIN numbers etc. Ensure the seller brings proof of ID (passport) and proof of address etc.
  15. Nice shine : ) Spent several hours on my white 370Z on Saturday, now nicely clar barred, polished and waxed. Unfortunately, being white, you just dont get the same glossy reflections and not quite the same satisfaction as having done the same to a dark car. It was my first time with a clay bar, amazed at the crap that came off what I thought was a pretty pristine car.
  16. Get yer coat TT - you've pulled
  17. My brother and his wife live in the US and volunteer for a charity feeding the homeless. During a visit we went with them to help and I got chatting to a homeless guy who was clearly well educated and used to have a very good and well paid job. For some reason he let his insurance lapse and unfortunately got seriously ill. Without insurance they are obliged to save someones life but not provide the aftercare. He clearly needed a lot of aftercare so they took his house in payment. This caused problems between him and his wife and he lost his wife and kids, and also his job. Now better, he could not get another job because he did not have a permanent address. So yes there are problems with the NHS but not as screwed up as the US model. Also if they also stopped all the 'where there is blame there is a claim' nonsence there would be more money where it is needed.
  18. Gangzoom - without people like yourself we would be screwed. A close relative of mine is a Matron and could earn far more if she moved to the Private sector but knows that the NHS and the general public need her so is sticking with the NHS. Thank you.
  19. I know quite a few people who work in the NHS in senior and admin positions. The stories of financial waste are astounding and need to be addressed. I guess the politicians take on this is that if they can stop the waste then they don't need to put any more money in. However, with an increasing population and people living longer it is not rocket science to work out that more money needs to be put in. I for one would not object to a tax rise if I knew the extra revenue was actually going to be used for the NHS. Maybe a proportion of our taxes should be specific to the NHS and not be able to be diverted. Over the last couple of years my wife has had a condition needing regular visits to Walton Hospital in Liverpool, culminating in a brain operation a few months ago. I can only describe our experience as first class, it is NHS but felt like a private hospital. All the staff are happy and helpful. If you looked lost even the domestic staff would ask if they could help! That environment is what we need to be aiming for.
  20. +1 on the sportsbikes back in the 90's. I really would not have the bottle for it now. Do you remember the Ogri (I think) biker T shirt that stated 'I am invincible - well, so far anyway'. I bought one then decided I might be tempting fate so never wore it : )
  21. I think that Leathertech (Crewe and Nantwich area) specialise in this type of thing. Or travel over to Ricey who receives nothing but good reviews : )
  22. Well spotted Codel, I was indeed being sarcastic. It would be interesting to know how many accidents have happened on the motorways where the speed limit has been reduced to 40/50 mph due to roadworks. I have spotted a few especially where they seem to go on forever. No doubt the arguement would be that the lanes are narrower but am sure that some will be due to the driver just losing concentration or falling asleep, or just losing the will to live!
  23. Is it £20K for the base spec or are you looking at high 20's for something with all the bells and whistles? Beware the 'starting from' phrase .... I just bought a brand new, but pre-reg, fully loaded X Trail (4 WD) for £20K. That's a whopping £10K+ off the list price.
  24. Are we still allowed to overtake? I thought it must have been banned years ago by the glaring looks you get if you have the audacity to overtake someone. I too was driving in the 80's. Feel sorry for the 'youngsters' who will never get to experience the same relative freedom.
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