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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. ZEUS

    Finally Got It

    It been over four years since I added the Bluetooth adapter so bear with me! I think the old style cradle actually unclips from the base and then the adapter clips in in its place . The base should end up looking like the one in the link which then takes the Bluetooth . http://www.350z-tech.com/forums/attachments/audio-electronics/43227d1211622979-350z-phone-cradle-question-cradle.png
  2. ZEUS

    Finally Got It

    Glad you like it. The old style phone cradle should unplug and the BT Bluetooth adapter should plug in instead , then you have hands free Bluetooth if I rememer correctly.
  3. That's looks like a Nuclear Device in the boot..! Here's my favorite mask..!! How often do you wear that mask Will?
  4. People panicking over nothing in most parts of the country, ...doesn't help when papers put stupid headlines like "Blizzards coming!!" etc with hardly a mention of exactly where in the country it will be. Oh well at least it's helping you keep the mileage down on your Zed I guess ZEUS. Very true but what about the balancing act I have with the van / zed milage !?
  5. I feel cheated by all this! I left the zed at home because of the threat of snow and went to the boat in my van, there's nothing not even a single flake!
  6. DRLs are not my thing at all but the quality of the workmanship is very impressive
  7. Excellent come back mate, really pleased for you and now you can enjoy the zed.
  8. Very impressive stuff building those electronics yourself.
  9. ZEUS

    Fuel Damper 350Z

    Try Clark Motorsport.
  10. I didn't realise you could put cat A or B back on the road. With motorbikes they have to be broken for parts only ( well that used to be the case anyway)
  11. If it's the one down in Cornwall it's on ebay and been relisted again due to non paying bidder.
  12. As standard from the factory those Amber reflectors don't illuminate, they are just reflectors so the ones you saw must have been modified or they were the facelift headlights.
  13. Glad it's back up and running and all is going well Matt.
  14. I'd say go for a Qashqai , my Mrs has one and she loves it. I like driving it too.
  15. Welcome along, I'm on 109k and original clutch but Ive never abused it.
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