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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Spotted you today at about 4pm near the new bridge.
  2. Bloody ell! Looks amazing , love the body colour . I don't like the stretch on the tyres though.
  3. ZEUS

    HR bonnet

    Ok so I paid £285.47 just over a year ago and the only code I can see is this one . Stock code; FEA0MCF4MA. Hope that helps
  4. ZEUS

    HR bonnet

    I called Polesworth nissan garage parts department (local to me) and when he told me the price I said how about some discount on that and he said I will have to check with my manager, he came back and said we can do £285 ! I can dig out the paperwork if you really want exact prices and discount? I would buy local and collect if you can as these bonnets are fragile!
  5. ZEUS

    HR bonnet

    They said the same to me, when I said HR bonnet to them they didn't know what I meant! I gave them the reg number of a HR zed I saw on ebay for sale then asked them for some discount and they just agreed and I collected it a few days later.
  6. ZEUS

    HR bonnet

    New ones from Nissan are only £280-290 , can't remember exactly how much mine was from them, I think £285.
  7. Guys thanks again for you kind words, means a lot.
  8. GM you said it all . We are devastated by his loss but what makes it harder is our other ridgeback pup has only ever been with him as a companion and cries for him at night. Again thank you for your kind words. X
  9. Thank you ATTAK and GM , unfortunately having rescue dogs means you don't know how long you have with them but Zeus was special to us and we will miss him, our boy.
  10. Thank you Fodder for your kind words.
  11. Not been on recently but sadly we have lost my beloved boy Zeus. He was the reason I chose my user name on here and we had him for just over 2 years. We rescue all our dogs and they are always from Ridgeback rescue. Zeus was our fourth rescue dog and was a very troubled boy when we got him but he turned into a wonderful , happy , very special boy and we will miss him greatly.
  12. Not sure but if it's not its a waste of money.
  13. ZEUS

    HR bonnet

    I think I forked out around £500 in all. Pete Mine was around this price by the time I'd payed for it to be painted.
  14. It's just Russia flexing their muscles I guess!
  15. Kingrob, you know I'm only joking
  16. Lovely wheels but you goggled them? Sorry I get this off Hugh!
  17. When are you taking your break? I hope you get your brakes sorted in time for it!
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