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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Looks a happy little fellow doesn't he !
  2. Yep a modern 600 will be more than enough to get to grips with.
  3. I did an intensive course (nearly 20 years ago) and it's the best way to pass your test I think. I'd been riding bikes for years before doing it and the only problem I had was breaking all the bad habits I'd picked up from previous riding. If you have never ridden before then it will be easy as the instructor will teach you to pass your test from the start. The MV Augusta looks amazing but they don't ride so nice in my experience
  4. ZEUS

    A55 crash

    A fibreglass repair kit from halfords and he should be back on the road by the weekend.
  5. Get it cut out and done properly, my arch went a few years back and the first body shop filled it. Within a couple of months it was coming back through so I had it cut out and new metal put in. I asked for photos to prove it as the first place lied and had me in. No problems since!
  6. Try a Pm to Zmanalex , he should be able to sort you out I would think.
  7. Just been catching up on your build Grundy. You have been a busy boy the last few months! Looking very nice though and that bumper will look great when it's painted
  8. Looks great in that green, just do your own thing and don't worry what people say . It's your car and your cash!
  9. What size brushes did you order from that eBay link?
  10. That looks bloody brilliant Cal! You've got to be pleased with the outcome, I am and it's not even mine
  11. Yes you will, bleeding them afterwards uses a fair bit.
  12. I agree it's the cycle lanes that are rubbish and badly thought out
  13. I would think taking a 12v feed from the battery would be ok to briefly check them.
  14. This happens all the time around where I live, they spent millions on cycle lanes over the years and most bikes still ride on the road. Drives me nuts!
  15. I was just trying to add a little humour. Have you tried taking a live feed to each fan and seeing if they kick in? That would rule out weather it's the fans or the fuse, also try checking the earths to make sure they are good?
  16. I think it's got to be about 18 months now. I've had the Toyosports mid pipe and back box fitted for over 3 years with no problems. It's just luck of the draw with Japspeed/Toyosports I reckon!
  17. The ones you have seen on eBay will be Japspeed/ Toyosports , I've got one fitted to mine without any problems.
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