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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Unsolder the old ones and solder new ones in, it's a bit fiddly but not too bad. You can buy new brushes on the bay.
  2. Pictures of zed on new wheels or it didn't happen !
  3. Well known problem with the window motors and covered a lot on here, try googling " 350z-uk.com window motor problem " or similar and you will find alot of info on it.
  4. That will be fine until the plate starts spinning like a propeller at speed!
  5. ZEUS

    Tyre roar

    Bigger tyres more noise I guess? The brand of tyre makes a difference too.
  6. How come we suddenly have a load of home spraying experts on here! looks great by the way.
  7. He can normally get hold of genuine ones though. Try a Pm to him .
  8. ZEUS

    Couple of bits!

    I reckon that spoiler came from Rt performance as I think that zed is octets old one.
  9. ZEUS

    Plenum top half

    Yep £60 for a plenum sounds cheap to me.
  10. Looks a lot meaner with all black wheels Ian
  11. I can't wait to see it go back together Darren . Going to look amazing!
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