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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Great picture, shame that bloke jumped in the way and ruined it!
  2. ZEUS

    Wanted 350z

    Any pictures of your new purchase then Jake?
  3. Glad you finally got it sorted
  4. Looking very good but I'm bias when it comes to a black zed
  5. Try a PM to Buster I'm sure he will know the answer.
  6. ZEUS

    Too much?

    Here you go. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-CUSTOM-ALLOY-GEAR-KNOB-HEAVYWEIGHT-/181772488643?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a527c0fc3
  7. Yep that hairy stuff you get in Tandoori restaurants ! You mean flock wallpaper
  8. Are you supercharged GM I hadn't realised?!
  9. I thought he might do it after watching him on TFI
  10. Great news and a well deserved thumbs up for the dealer. As Graham said go and enjoy it now
  11. Nice work, I've got all this to look forward to soon if I can ever find another house to buy!
  12. The post box is being repaired and put back
  13. I don't see a problem with cat c/d as long as it been properly repaired and it's the right price to reflect it.
  14. Definitely MotoGP. I wish I had a tenth of the talent that those guys have in their little finger!
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