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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Pics or it didnt happen not my proudest moment, the blood is from where my head hit the windscreen. Many months of letters between myself/parents/representation and vauxhall/the dealership ensued. Not me going after them either massively stressful time and thankfully ended in no action for me/my parents. (I was 17 at the time and had to fall back on my parents for support, luckily they didn't have to pay!) I hope you climbed out and said, I'll take it! Or climbed out and said , Im sure that's not handling right!
  2. Try Zmanalex for parts you need.
  3. I used code MVC101 yesterday to get an extra 10% off.
  4. Looks better in black but the front is horrid. Nice interior. Shame they have ruined it.
  5. Well if your gonna do it do it big! They've spanked that up well and truly!
  6. No there isn't anything on the back but you can do the "ipod hack" which will allow you to connect your iPod/iPhone. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/45398-how-to-bose-phono-ipod-hack-guide/ Edit: to add link.
  7. I can't get mine off the drive in snow and the new houses drive is even steeper so it will sit in the garage during bad weather. I have my van to plough around in.
  8. No just to people who suggest instant bans.
  9. It's obviously because the zed is a underworld criminals car. It annoys me that it's a DE on a 58 plate though, someone didn't do their research!
  10. It really is easier than it looks, just use the cardboard tube trick or you will drop the bolts into the door!
  11. Here you go lads. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/49789-howto-removereplace-exterior-drivers-door-handle/
  12. Yes it's a straightforward job, takes about 20 minutes max.
  13. I changed mine for 5000k a while ago and noticed a massive difference over the standard bulbs.
  14. is this going to come up every time Eastenders is on!?
  15. It might be Wasso's but I'm not sure.
  16. I thought you were going to say you saw Trevor Mcdonut driving a Zed!
  17. Never seen one like that before, almost looks like it's been grafted on from another car.
  18. I have a feeling he is just after a pop charger style thingy Gareth even though the post is in forced induction!
  19. Isnt it about a litre from low to high level?
  20. All sorted, I took it to the garage today and got it changed so that's me £300 lighter and her Christmas present sorted all in one hit! Thanks for the help Alex
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