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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Nice one Scott , didn't realise it was Adrian's old zed you'd bought.
  2. Welcome along, bikes are still better but a zed ain't half bad
  3. Nice looking bit of kit just a shame you don't see it once fitted.
  4. It's normal. Welcome along by the way
  5. Salems lot, used to terrify me as a kid!
  6. Could always call Jez at Horsham and ask him about it.
  7. Gmballistic did pretty much the same thing with his supercharged zed and there was nothing wrong with his, just a change of plans.
  8. Looks and sounds great, I've never had a problem with japspeed stuff
  9. Apparently pulling it all the way out, washing it, let it dry and then letting it roll back in sorts it out. A job for the summer probably.
  10. No they are the same too, Zmanalex will be able to help you out .
  11. That'll teach me to click the spoiler, I've just ruined it for myself
  12. I just do as Ekona said but change a couple of digits from my number. Some poor sods probably getting all my cold calls.
  13. Oooh very nice, I like dark wheels on a black car. Thinking about getting mine done darker.
  14. Looks great. I went for the interlocking rubber tiles on mine and it really stops the dust, also a lot kinder on your knees when working on the car.
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