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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. ZEUS

    Blob eye wrx

    My word, that is one ugly little girl. Was she attached to the bottom of the car as they drove over the potholes? that's the first thing I thought when I saw that picture
  2. Have the spark plugs been changed at the last service if not they are about due to be done at that mileage. Have read of the buyers guide on here.
  3. ZEUS

    Jap sat nav

    Just buy a zed without it and put a Garmin or Tomtom in the front cubby , that's what I did
  4. Thats identical to my seats í ½í¸¯ pictures tomorrow, doing the steering wheel and handbrake was daunting Sent from my potato using duct tape Can't wait to see the results Tuck, I've ordered more colour to do extra bits.
  5. No it's ok he's still alive and kicking, go back to your beer!
  6. Also look on the Zeds for sale thread on here, some lovely motors up for grabs.
  7. Your interior is confusing me lol, you got new style facelift dials for the aircon, but an old style ashtray and hazard switch! red seats look awesome too! He also has 370z wheels!! THE MADNESS OH THE MADNESS!! Seats do look very lush and premium oh God of Lightning that made me chuckle chirag.
  8. Did you get them recovered? or died the leather? i'd like red seats tbh lol i'd like red carpet too! I bought the recolour kit and sprayed them myself Bradders.
  9. I was waiting for someone to say that. I changed the dials for the later facelift ones as I prefer them! Thanks about the seats too
  10. Fitted my seats back in after the recolour, very pleased with them.
  11. Cheers mate, that's praise indeed.
  12. Yes I went for a satin sealant too, when just the colour was on they were so shiney and it looks like plastic. I've got a bit of overspray on the plastics though, how did you get it off or didn't you need to?
  13. I see what you mean about doing it now Ian! It's not an easy job but worth it. Looks a bit pink in the picture but they are a dark red similar to the seats I had in my mk2 Audi TT ( the only good thing about that car )
  14. It's sold according to this http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/103978-4-x-19-inch-black-zito-wheels-cf-hood-for-sale/
  15. You don't usually get a spare with a 370 unless it was ordered from new (I believe) so if you have a flat then you get a compressor pump and some gunk to get you home.
  16. Donington is one of my favourites too,also oulton and mallory.
  17. Cadwell is very narrow with next to no run off also take plenty of fuel with you. It's my least favourite track but that's on a bike so might be different.
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