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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. I really like the 350 kit. Why did you have to show me that?!
  2. As Humpy said you can buy boxes of them, for not a lot on eBay. Handy to have spares as they always break.
  3. I seem to remember a thread a while ago saying it was no good for commuting or something like that .
  4. Nightmare for you , I hate dirty, filthy, scumbag thieves with a passion. Hopefully they will die horribly and in excruciating pain.
  5. I'm sure Si will thank you for that, didn't he have a hell of a job doing yours?
  6. They shouldn't need resetting as long as you don't turn the ignition on whilst the seats out. I had my seats out the other day and when I put it all back together and turned the ignition all lights went out. Also the seats aren't that heavy, I've got a totally knackered back and I got mine out!
  7. Spike Lee said he's not attending the "Lilly white" Oscars which could be seen as offensive.
  8. As Payco said drive a few so you have got something to compare against. Gearboxes arent the best even when they are fine.
  9. For the same reasons as you I cut down the rear bump stops and have had no problems with it at all. It's popular in the US.
  10. The problem is finding one complete that's not silly money.
  11. I always disconnect the battery before unplugging the seats just in case.
  12. No worries, if you don't get the facelift control box as well then the heater goes crazy. Full heat and full blast!
  13. To do it you need the facelift dials (obviously) and the white control box that sits behind it (with the ribbon on). The back of the dials have to be cut, it's the lugs if I remember correctly so are useless for anything else afterwards. The back of the gear surround plastics have to be cut as well and a bracket made to mount the new dials to. It's been a year or so since I did mine so I might of forgotten something.
  14. Then yes it's possible but it's not just a straight swap as I found out when I did it.
  15. I'm not sure what I find the most shocking, Jada Smiths comments or the fact that I find myself agreeing with Ekona more and more
  16. It would be pretty unlucky for both seat switches to fail at the same time. Try a PM to Buster or Keyser they would probably know which fuse it is.
  17. Try Clark Motorsport Bradders I'm sure Ewen will be able to sort you out.
  18. These? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=bmx+mag+wheels&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9rfrssrTKAhWI7RQKHdCaBbkQ_AUICCgC
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