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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Did you test drive it to see if it was down on power?
  2. +1 on the trimfix, I used it to retrim my boat interior and it's great stuff.
  3. Well done both of you, that's pretty good going two members on here in the same issue!
  4. Zmanalex might have them or if not eBay
  5. You mean kuro black I wouldn't worry too much about milage either as long as it's been serviced correctly.
  6. That's what I meant when I said complete they are also different colours new to old.
  7. At the age of the cars I'm not sure you will find better, that looks pretty good to me! You could try buying new from Nissan?
  8. Nice idea but I'm sure I'd drive off with them on !
  9. After 2 years I only worked that out the other day !
  10. Ekona I think you meant analised didn't you really.
  11. Why don't you buy wheels with the correct offset so you won't need spacers, if your changing them anyway?
  12. That's it then we won't pay any attention to what you two say from now on then! Car looks ok apart from the tint and the hole in the bumper, nice wheels.
  13. Have you checked the drain in the bottom of the door, or the boot seal? Not sure if the zed had a drain under the window screen scuttle panel but it's worth checking. Leaks are a bloody pain!
  14. What's the fuel needle saying when the digital display is doing all this?
  15. Just seeing those images wind me up and it's not even my zed! Hope you get him.
  16. This. My bet would be the battery they cause all sorts of strange electrical problems when duff. As Brillo said even a knackered battery will read 14v once it's running on the alternator.
  17. Welcome along and congratulations on purchasing such a well loved zed. It's beautiful.
  18. That's a nasty one, it's good the insurance company said its repairable but they may come back to you and say it's not after all. Lovely looking car and glad your ok.
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