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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Heater controls for Pre or post facelift?
  2. If you put B is for build into YouTube and look through his vids you will find it, it's for a Brz but principle is the same. Here you go:
  3. Yes they are for the side quarters not the back window
  4. There were warning about it on the country file weather last night but that's the only time I saw anything about it.
  5. Make your own like Chris on B is for build did.
  6. First time I've actually seen a picture of veilsides zed, white one looks nice too I take it that's his sons? Look forward to seeing how it turns out Mark.
  7. I knew he does the side quarter window louvres (I have them) but didn't realise he did one for the back window too
  8. Wasso might still have some of his spacers available, very nice quality too.
  9. Or you could try Tarmac sportz, Chris always has a good selection of exhausts.
  10. If they are available for the back window then I guess the US of A is your best bet. Edit: Here you go. http://www.zociety.org/louvergang-zociety-x-zakustech
  11. I saw one the other day for the first time , great looking car.
  12. Wow that link to eBay was a trip down memory lane, I had a mongoose with tange forks and araya rims if I remember correctly
  13. I don't like posting after SHEZZA because his looks so good but here you go, mine as it stands for now.
  14. Doesn't look standard to me . Button for a phone kit, extra lights, immobiliser, ?
  15. .....to slice straight into the headlight.
  16. Normally id say ask Zmanalex but I'm sure someone else said he's out of stock at the moment. I've just looked on eBay and your right they're a bit thin on the ground at the moment. You could try Ewen@ Clark Motorsport he may have one kicking about.
  17. Just noticed the over fenders Matt, looks really good.
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