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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Oh and it hasn't got cruise control even though it says it has in description
  2. Try a PM to Zmanalex he may have some.
  3. Christ! You did well to avoid that tw@t
  4. I think you could make that work as long as it doesn't look massively wide from the rear.
  5. If your 41 then you are same age as me and paying £1550 more in insurance, that can't be right unless your in a crime hotspot! Imports dont make that much if any difference in insurance costs in my experience.
  6. Thanks everyone for yet another great day, really enjoyed it. I'm off out for the evening now with my bright red burnt face!
  7. I should be able to make this for 06:00 (Definitely wouldn't make it for 05:30! ). It's just the other side of the junction/island to the Brewers Fayre. I'll send a PM so we can exchange contact details, just in case. Excellent
  8. I can't view them, I'm not on face plant.
  9. Have you tried Zmanalex ?
  10. Put some decent rears on it. welcome along
  11. Nso93 and myself are meeting in Tewkesbury, we would meet you somewhere? Ooo could do How about the Brewers Fayre just off J9? What time you thinking? We are meeting at at the M&S BP garage just down the road at 6am, I had wanted to make it 5:30 but that may be too early.
  12. That version R is very nice, it's not slipstreams old one is it?
  13. Nso93 and myself are meeting in Tewkesbury, we would meet you somewhere?
  14. Depends how big the window is and if it's got openers or not. If it's a big window and the bath will go through with just the sealed unit out then fine.
  15. Ok, the beads will unclip from around the sealed unit either from the outside if they are older or the inside it they are newer, you can tell by looking. Then remove sealed units and you should then be able to get to the screws holding the frame in. Break the sealant bead on the outside with a blade and also run the blade around the inside where frame meets plasterwork. Refit in reverse order and have someone to help you.
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