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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Also aftermarket flat seat nuts are available, I bought and fitted them to mine. Cheaper than Nissan ones
  2. You Deffo need spacers on the front to clear the calipers
  3. I have owned mk1 225 and mk2 3.2v6 tt and now have a 350z. I'm probably not the best to comment on this as the mk1 was the most unreliable piece of crap I've ever owned (mk2 wasn't much better) the only good thing about it was the Quattro, it just gripped and gripped. The 350z is a much better drivers car imho, I never get bored of its torque and it feels like an "event" every time you drive it. I owned both tts for about a year each and I've had the 350 for six, says it all really.
  4. So it's Ian then :lol:
  5. Oh dear that's not good Bradders .
  6. Have you tried Zmanalex ?
  7. Yep Ian is the guy you want for this.
  8. My De has never had the warning for the passenger side.
  9. Tvrs have always had weird and wonderful colour choices, can't see it being a problem to sell on.
  10. Also take the boot weight out, that helps.
  11. I've used rubber as it doesn't damage the paint where the popper sits when closed.
  12. Welcome along Sipar69 has just put this together which might be helpful. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/108460-370z-reviews-for-potential-buyers/
  13. I think unless you can get hold of peteman or someone with his uprated springs then it's going to be trial and error.
  14. Maybe speak to Admin or Mods on here to see if there is anything they can do to help you resolve it Bradders.
  15. Take the spring out of yours and get a slightly longer, stiffer spring from a spring supplier. https://www.springmasters.com/?gclid=CLWd98Lv5cwCFYEy0wodgm4Oww
  16. Or you could try Zmanalex.
  17. You've not read this from the top have you Stu? I thought I had, but to help me out, which post is it where this is answered? Sorry I thought your just asking this but you were in fact asking if he had taken the earlier advice, I misunderstood.
  18. Yes there is a guide on here, just give it a clean and a reset and it should sort it.
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