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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. ZEUS

    Why is it

    Ha when I work in the village next to me the local rule seems to be do not use your indicators..ever!
  2. I stopped selling on ebay years ago because of the hassle and stupid questions you get. I'd rather bin the stuff! I only buy off there now
  3. We'll now that's over I can go back to the real world of family guy
  4. Surely he would of definitely crashed if that was the case
  5. Very odd but each to their own I guess
  6. Sorry did I say I'd get it for work? ...... What I meant to say was push it over the edge of a local quarry
  7. Usually with cichlids you over stock the tank to lower aggression towards each other. As long as you feed well and over filter the tank you should be fine. Of course this doesn't always work and they kill each other but works with mine most of the time. It's when I add new fish I have problems.
  8. Nice set up SMD , I also keep cichlids (African rift) had a tank pretty much continuously for the last 30 years and also worked in the trade many years ago. What size tank you running? I run a 6ft x 2ft x 2 ft. I'll get some pics up when I've cleaned the glass Ps. You'll regret them oscars when they are fully grown
  9. In that case can you buy me a pair too
  10. Me either , can I have someone's email and password that does
  11. As for the dipstick, it can be a pain at first to read but after a bit of practice you will get the nack, I check mine first thing in the morning when all the oil has drained down and it's lot easier.
  12. That really was low on oil mate, lucky that the engine has survived it really. I know it feels like everyone has banged on about low oil and damage to the engine but with a few of these normally bomb proof engines going pop recently through suspected low oil , it really is important to keep the engine topped up and checked regularly
  13. Yes I have the big service coming up in the spring, belts ,plugs all fluids etc! The bulbs are various LEDs that I needed for the zed
  14. Suddenly I feel better about spending £15 on bulbs
  15. Paint still soft at a guess , the paint in the second picture looks thick so takes longer to go hard. I've used plasticote in the past and it's good but doesn't like being sanded from what I remember.
  16. When you get to the pump put power directly to it to make sure it's the pump bust and not a broken wire somewhere
  17. Park on level ground and leave it over night, check it in the morning 3-4 times or until you are happy. I would fill to upper level on dipstick as oppose to the middle of it.
  18. The planet has been warming and cooling for millions of years and we have had many ice ages long before we came along. I think we are thinking of ourselves as more important and significant than we are in the grand scheme of things
  19. It's a good advert for going steady in the wet
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