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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Just to be on the safe side, disconnect the battery before checking plugs/wiring on the airbags.
  2. ZEUS

    Boot problem!?

    Yes it's a common problem uprated struts will sort it.
  3. just read it too, the responses to the planted posts are hilarious.
  4. ZEUS

    Rocket bunny 350

    I think Valy is in the process of fitting that knight racer kit.
  5. I can't see paint staying on wheel nuts for long, as veilside says the socket will mark them.
  6. I cleaned up the wheel wells and under sealed on my 53 plate just to help it stay in good order.
  7. ZEUS


    Mines on 113k (I think) and no issues at all, just do the usual checks and make sure it's been serviced properly.
  8. didn't know what you were on about until I viewed new content
  9. Drivers are looking younger and younger to me .
  10. Sam Fox. Your obviously too young to remember. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8c/43/ed/8c43ed0a7d92a8d342f7b9a8b541a18f.jpg
  11. No worries mate, I've got a load of old wiring looms so got the pin from there but you can buy them. Some info here. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/103724-rear-bumper-led-indicatorfog-reversing-light-by-carlab/page__st__100
  12. They are the same lights as I have and I wired them the same as you want to, I just can't remember the wire colour ( it becomes obvious when you put the two plugs together though). If you want a hand fitting them I'm only in Upton , just the other side of the malverns from you! Bring it round and we can sort it out, I even have a spare pin for the connector somewhere!
  13. If they are the LED rear indicator/ fog/ reverse then the wiring is in the new led cluster for your indicators and both sides reverse. If you want the fog light then either add a pin to the LED cluster plug (as I did) or hard wire your car fog wire to the new cluster.
  14. 1) Humpy 2) kbad 3) Zeus (in 350z) 4) AaronC350z 5) wez370 6) Wendy 7) stevod 8) Wasso 9) CJRamze 10) cov350z 11) 350Russ 12) ollydykins 13)Valy 14) modo 15) shad0wca7 16) Irn Bru +1 17) Andymac183 18) Hodaka +1 19)nissanman312+1 20) Amyzed 21) ZeppoJeff 22) Ekona +1 23) Dicaprio +1 24) Davedutch + 1 25) SHEZZA + 1 26) -G- +1 (380RS) - Date Dependant
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