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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Christ that's nice . Love it
  2. Me too! I'm trying to work out a mod that needs the zed shed crew!
  3. +1. I'd say though she should be a 9 of 9 with that bod. The Defiant wasn't a bad ship tbh, and the only federation ship with a romulan cloak And...back in the room !
  4. Nice one Grundy glad she's ok, us animal lovers do worry you know !
  5. I really like that! Good work as always (I keep saying that a lot just lately)
  6. ZEUS

    Buster Baffled

    Love it! Nice work guys
  7. Brilliant Chirag, really made me smile
  8. Even this one ZEUS? Still a monster with a great sounding engine though, ...but not very quick really by today's standards. Yes GM even that one! And even the tractors they started off making?
  9. I've had the same with a rust spot and my passenger door window has never dropped on opening since I've had it (3 plus years) but works fine otherwise . Never caused a problem to me. On 106k now with no problems! Don't worry.
  10. A Lamborghini , any Lamborghini for me . Just love all of them
  11. Looks really really good Glrnet, so jealous . I'm going to have to borrow some cash to get mine painted up sooner than I planned! It keeps looking at me saying paint me! But nice one mate I love it
  12. Wish I lived nearer to you. I love all this stuff !
  13. Think I will order one item every day for delivery just to pi55 them off.. That's what I like to hear Will
  14. So would you recommend Ocado as a delivery service ??
  15. It's funny that, it's perfectly legal to give away parts of my body, but punishable with 3 years in prison if I sell it Mmmm non smoker non drinker you say??!!!
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