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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. I fear the latter! :lol: Says the guy who's handle is a mythical Greek God. Overcompensate much? it's my rescue dogs name , I always use my dogs names as user names! ....and what do you mean mythical ??
  2. I fear the latter! :lol:
  3. I think they are LEDs and not bulbs so not so simple.
  4. I've had similar with motorbikes, bought brand new a few months earlier, it was written off and they offered bottom book price on it. I got a list of the same model/year bikes for sale and they did then increase their offer so get some prices of a similar zed and haggle with them!
  5. Nice one Matt and zed shed crew, bet your glad that nightmares over
  6. ZEUS

    Seat rails.

    GM I should of thought of that but in the end I went for spacers and longer bolts!
  7. ZEUS

    350z engine seized

    Nice one mate, you got it sorted quick
  8. ZEUS

    Seat rails.

    I have the opposite problem, I'm a short arse and no height adjustment on the 2003 seats!
  9. Put me down for a defo now, don't want to let the side down! When's the deadline again??
  10. Airbags have gone off , I'd be amazed if they don't write it off mate . Real shame too
  11. I have the same ones in your link and they are not massively smoked so I just stuck with the original bulbs. They are fine.
  12. I don't like the finish of the paint on the first picture Looks great thought mate
  13. My mate has run one for the last 18 months , they have a lovely exhaust note but ultimately gutless ! He's bought a xkrs
  14. Errrr ....... Like !!
  15. Just buy them , you won't have any worries ...... Trust me
  16. Like! ..... I've ran out of likes
  17. Found them on ebay and no cutting at all!
  18. Contact Ian (14N) on here , he will sort you out EDIT: bought mine from china and they have worked flawlessly !
  19. Oh for gods sake that looks brilliant!! When will you lot give me a break from spending?? Looks great hensh
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