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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Are you taking all the decals off??!!
  2. Totally agree with you mate, unfortunately if you like shooting these days people think your a loon!
  3. I drove a boxster s a few years back and I thought it was awful.
  4. You know what Grundy with all joking aside i can see the look you are going for. I quite like it* *I don't want one on mine though!
  5. So what you mean it that your a gun nut then Graham.......I mean Gareth. Not at all ZEUS. I chose my user name well over a decade ago when I was a lot younger ~ I did used to go target shooting & things when I was younger (11-16yrs) at a gun club but I was never a nut. I am a car nut though. Your Zed is looking ace btw and those wheels... Thanks Gareth I'm pleased with how it's evolving , if I can get it looking half as good as Humpys then I'll be very happy! Ps; I used to do a bit of shooting too
  6. love those 370 wheels Cheers Chirag, treat yourself to a set. I think they look great on the 350
  7. Any fitting problems? What kinda sound does it give out? K Gave it to the garage and they fitted it! No major ones as far as I know. Sounds a bit throatier than standard which is exactly what I wanted
  8. Finally got the bonnet fitted last night! I love it!
  9. I bought one of these 3 years ago, it's actually a japspeed when it turns up and I've had no problems at all with mine in the 3 years it's been on !
  10. Who's Graham? Don't worry I did it the other day to SuperStu and just called him some random name that I thought was his. It's Gareth mate btw. Looks superb and I'm actually very impressed with how good it looks, especially the front. Sorry Graham, I thought the GM was graham but it's probably gun metal .. Doh ! Apologies Are you sure it's not Graham ? You where close I guess and Ian (14N) thought the same thing about my username so your in good company. The "GM" in my user name actually stands for my initials; Gareth M*** ...And "Ballistic" just because I have a passing interest in firearms ballistics. I've been called worse things than Graham in my 34 years odd though so no need to apologize mate. So what you mean it that your a gun nut then Graham.......I mean Gareth.
  11. Nightmare mate, some real jealous scumbags around. You should be able to get that sorted fairly easily though.
  12. Sorry to hear this sad news
  13. Where do you get the clear strips from ? I hate the orange strips
  14. ZEUS

    I'm gunna cry

    What is it with you and stickers today coldel? Me feel like sticky That's unnerving
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