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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. Cheers GM , that was back in 2009 and I'm as good as I'll get now but I often wonder what his call was about, must of been soooooo important ......
  2. Thanks steve916 . The worst experience of my life, there is no excuse for it. A 6 month ban for first offenders should be a minimum, it ruins Peoples lives . All for a 2 minute phone call!
  3. Yep people on phones while driving are fine..... I was on the bike stationary , 3 years of my life on hold and learning to walk again!!
  4. Again go for wasso,s spacer it's the best quality bit of kit I've seen in a long time. And it works, shame you don't really see it once fitted.
  5. Drove my mates Jag xkr rs , closest thing to riding a motorbike on four wheels I've driven.
  6. That's bad luck mate but I've been caught before and unfortunately you just have to take the hit on it.
  7. Not good driving while on the phone, I've been a victim of this and a broken back in two places and having to learn to walk again for a second time in my life ain't great! Rant over!
  8. Love the 240 and in the colour I would have liked if I had a garage. Is this the one that was up for sale a year or so ago ? If it was it was restored with all new genuine parts I believe
  9. ZEUS

    Wales 2014 Tunnels

    I've purposely avoided this thread (potential jealousy ) until now, oh my god what a noise, love it!
  10. It's painfully slow for me too at the minute but as you say victims of your own success. Such a good site and I spend far too much time on here!
  11. If this is gone then I have a black one available but it's not for free!
  12. ZEUS

    E-Bay 'Y' Pipes.

    Are those tyres on the new rear wheels or the old front wheels grundy?
  13. ZEUS

    E-Bay 'Y' Pipes.

    Got the one in the second link fitted on mine , it's only been on about 6 weeks but my mid pipe and back box are from the same people and been fitted for well over 3 years with no problems at all. Ignore the exhaust snobbery and get it if that's what you want
  14. They will repair that, they repaired Rowan Atkinsons when he totalled it!
  15. There was a set on ebay the other day , don't know if they are still there though. It's the first time I've seen them for sale.
  16. I've had this problem with mine so what I did was sleeve it with black heat shrink tubing, don't know how long it will last but so far so good!
  17. I was always told I need to get through a camera on my motorbike at over 155 mph to beat it! I will never test this as speeding is stupid
  18. ZEUS

    stock 2003 air box

    I've got a stock 2003 air box for sale
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