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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. ZEUS

    Boot popper

    Zmanalex is probably your best bet
  2. And what's wrong with that? .........I jest of course
  3. As already said really, try to relax which is not easy to start with and get your other half to go steady (I'm sure they will anyway) . Watch out for accelerating and braking catching you out and try not to bang helmets! I get pillions to use a push pull method to reduce this . Most of all enjoy it , there is nothing like being on a bike when it's cranked over! Ps: I prefer the front to the pillion seat any day
  4. ZEUS

    Black HR Bonnet

    Didn't clark motorsport sell them ? There was a trader on here selling them (can't remember which one) but when I went to Nissan they were cheaper for whatever reason.
  5. I am and I'm seriously contemplating letting you organise a SC for me í ½í¸‰ I was just thinking the same, I want it on mine but have no clue where to start!
  6. No wonder the country is in such a mess when you have the victim paying the burglar a reward for being a filthy scumbag !
  7. What's wrong? That's how Leicester folk talk
  8. ZEUS

    Black HR Bonnet

    You'll be lucky to find one second hand. £280 new from nissan then cost of spraying or you can buy mine for a grand and I'll get another one !
  9. Really important people do this every year. I visited some of the war graves in France and Belgium this year whilst touring on my bike, very moving.
  10. I did the mods then uprev, waste of money in my opinion it feels no different.
  11. I'm sure Zmanalex will have one
  12. You can! I've just done it myself. Got them from a member on here
  13. I'm glad it's you posting glrnet after reading the title!
  14. ZEUS

    Rear lights

    I had this happen to me recently when I tried to sell an outboard engine. I ended early twice because of total messers and then got a bill from ebay for £75 ! The ebay rules say that you are only allowed to end early once per year without charge. Go on the live chat with ebay and plead your case, I did and they let me off the charge as a good will gesture and because I have a excellent record with them!
  15. Mine does around 25 miles per gallon and that's on a mix of motorways and a roads. I don't thrash it though!
  16. WOW just WOW so so impressed, always wanted to rebuild a 240z
  17. Nice one GM needs led rear lights tho, and is that some sort of adult content on your head unit?
  18. So did I ! I held my breath!
  19. Does anyone like me think that the bbc do wildlife documentaries like no other channel? I've followed sir David Attenborough (he's a bit of a hero of mine) since I was a small child on these programmes and they always amaze me with the quality. I admit that most of the time I prefer animals to people and moan about the TV licence all the time but to me the wildlife documentaries are more than worth it !
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