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Everything posted by ZEUS

  1. I'd go through and check all the fuses in all 3 fuse boxes to start with. Edit: beat me to it Alex.
  2. Thanks GMballistic. I had never seen one before I went to look at it. I knew straight away I had to buy it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Desperately needs cleaning though
  3. I always say val-et-ing. Looks good op
  4. Yes! Getting into a zed and firing it up feels like an event , getting into an slk feels like getting into a car and starting it! ( I've owned an slk) . A zed all day long for me but it's your choice!
  5. Take it to Abbey and let them take a look at it for piece of mind.
  6. As Sam says go and see Mitz at cougar store for a definate code and prognosis. Saves guessing at it.
  7. It's just the boudoir, I usually only go for white, yellow and red, the blue and purple isn't commonly used.
  8. Nice set of easy to follow instructions there I did say a thick layer but what I actually meant was more coats. Youve explained it alot better than me haha That's what I meant too, lots of thin coats to get a thick coat overall.
  9. There is also an LED option too.
  10. As Hodaka said , you need a good thick layer of it so it's easier to peel . You can also get the glossifier so your wheels won't look like cake.
  11. VW caddy van for me.
  12. Could be voltage related https://www.google.co.uk/search?sclient=tablet-gws&site=&source=hp&q=flickering+hid+headlights&oq=flickering+hid+&gs_l=tablet-gws.1.0.0j0i22i30k1l2.2596.11165.0.13537.
  13. Ballast failing? But unlikely to be both of them or the hid bulbs are on the way out maybe. Could be a bad earth as well.
  14. It's a bit brown for my liking and the rear numbers plate recess looks daft.
  15. Really sorry to hear this . Very upsetting.
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