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Everything posted by Davectr

  1. Good luck getting this resolved Dicky, hope you can get Nissan to sort it for you. Just a thought, I’ve read on numerous occasions of people who’ve managed to release the lock by gently tapping around the lock area under the steering column, and once it’s released they can then remove the fuse preventing re-occurrence. Obviously there’s no guarantee that this would work, but at approx £2k to fix it’s got to be worth a bash (no pun intended)
  2. Welcome aboard. Modding straight away = build thread
  3. I can’t compete with you guys, only 5 years for me. Only managed 300miles this year, was really shocked when I realised (at MOT). Did consider selling next spring to make way for another summer toy, but much to my surprise her indoors said “no way are you selling it, I’ll be really annoyed if you do” - guess that settles that then . Roll on another 5 years of Zedding
  4. What a stunning car, at a good price too. Can’t believe it hasn’t been snapped up, almost makes me wish I was in the market for one. C’mon then don’t keep us in suspense, what have you put a deposit on?
  5. To be honest Umster the first thing you should do is call them back and seek clarification, even ask to speak to a supervisor. I’ve been insured with them previously using multi car policies and have never come across this, albeit I didn’t inform them I was SORNing any of the vehicles
  6. There are impact sensors inside the front bumper which activate them
  7. Out of curiosity who is your insurance provider? I’ve never heard of this happening in 30+ years of driving, however reading this got me thinking so I’ve just read my policy documents, then phoned my insurance provider (Adrian Flux) to clarify and they’ve confirmed that they would never cancel a policy due to a vehicle being sorned. It seems strange they would cancel, as you would still require the vehicle to be insured for theft purposes
  8. Got to say I agree, they look loads better in that colour!
  9. Looks great Andy, the blue accents work really well . Looking forward to more updates
  10. Personally I’d leave it white, but it’s not my car. If you like it go for it
  11. How are LV for modified cars? May need to give them a try next time. They seem a really good company, the Mrs car was hit by a flying caravan wheel recently at the other person was covered by LV, and to be honest the service we received from them in getting the car repaired was absolutely fantastic!
  12. Has the missus been getting carbon fingernails?
  13. Stunning car Nino, good luck with sale
  14. Look amazing! Great work, well done
  15. Nice! Welcome to the club. Any mods planned?
  16. Hi and welcome! Beautiful looking car . Was down South Wales a couple of weeks ago, some cracking roads
  17. If all else fails there’s always the tv consumer programmes and newspapers! It’s funny how a lot of large companies suddenly change their attitude when these get involved. Worth a try
  18. What a bummer! Hope you get it sorted ok
  19. Well, it’s been a long time since I added anything to this thread, mainly because I’ve not really used the car much this year. If you’ve read this full build thread you will know I had a bit of a carbon fest a while back and had loads of bits done, one of which was the steering wheel. Now, I loved the look of it but unfortunately the finish of the Carbon sections weren’t really the best (rough edges where it meets the leather). Having picked up a spare steering wheel off R35lee earlier this year I finally got round to having it retrimmed at Royal steering wheels. I decided to go with perforated leather and Alcantara, just for a change. It’s actually a bit thicker then stock and feels really nice.
  20. Davectr

    370z headlights

    Did you get anywhere with this? Only just seen this, but was going to tell you about headlightretrofits who did mine. Given that these headlights are really expensive and you don’t see many 2nd hand ones I decided to have my original ones modified with halos and demon eyes. Dom at headlightretrofits did a great job
  21. Yeah, I’ve got a sprint booster on my auto and love it! Makes a massive difference, feels much more responsive
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