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Everything posted by Davectr

  1. Very nice, welcome to the topless club
  2. I’ve got a black Range Rover Evoque front bumper
  3. Hi Luca, welcome aboard. Cool looking Zed
  4. I suppose it would have to depend on the weather
  5. Really like the look of these. One concern though, I take it they replace the cat (or hfc, in my case) so would need swapping over come MOT time in order to pass emissions test?
  6. Following with interest. Quite fancied doing this myself, but the other half would go mad , she says I have too many toys already!
  7. My 2 year granddaughter could’ve don even a better job!
  8. I’ve got to admit I’ve always thought the same. I love the look of a lot of American cars, but then you see the interior - usually looks awful, and definitely very poor quality!
  9. Don’t suppose anyone just happens to have one of these lying around . On the look out for a cheap one
  10. Nice pics Fergie, car’s looking good
  11. The new mk3 TTS gets really good reviews on the TT forum and on the TTRS/RS3 Facebook page. A lot of guys compare it (performance and handling wise) to the mk2 RS and claim it is better. I haven’t driven one (I have a mk2 RS) so cant comment directly. Yes, it won’t have the appeal of a Zed and can possibly be called soulless, but, if all you want is a really fast (especially with dsg) daily with a very modern interior, that is relatively cheap to run, you won’t go far wrong
  12. Opinions seem to be split down the middle. Now you know why I’m struggling to decide . How about something like this? Would this type be a more popular option. Can I just state, I’m not looking for ‘approval’, I want to add a spoiler but just genuinely can’t decide which style to go with
  13. C’mon Steve get off the fence and tell me what you really think.
  14. Where’s the fun in that?
  15. Agree with your comments, I have been deliberating for a while as to whether to give it a go. As I said, it will need modifying to make it fit. Unfortunately I only have that pic, someone on another forum did a photoshop for me
  16. What are people’s thoughts on this spoiler on my roadster? Thought about doing it before but decided not to, now toying with the idea again. The spoiler would need modifying to fit, would reduce the angle when altering it so it sits a bit flatter and the ‘pointed wings’ (if that makes sense) point more forward than downwards
  17. Here’s my Zed and non-Zed out together (a very rare occurrence). And my daily
  18. eBay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202537365674
  19. It’s in the engine bay on the left side as you look at the car from the front (drivers side). Do a search on here or YouTube and there’s guides on how to do it. It quite easy
  20. Was really enjoying this thread, but have to say I’m disappointed with you young man, showing a blatant disregard to the Police Slow sign
  21. Is that a MEV Rocket I see in the first video? Car looks good Adrian, glws
  22. I’m running mine with a fast intentions true dual exhaust, so whilst not stock like you’ve asked, I can tell you that after adding the Berks hfc’s the sound was much deeper. Definitely a big improvement sound wise. For me though (maybe not for others) I don’t like the hiss sound they generate when you lift off the accelerator or change gear.
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