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Everything posted by Davectr

  1. Never needed a CAI kit to produce 300bhp but you did need a supercharger ~ what's that cost £2-2500K? Not trying to argue with you and that's a great mod's list for an EP3 for sure but not everybody wants to splurge that much cash and it's not always about how much bhp you can get. My CTR was standard apart from a full stainless steel custom made exhaust system and the Gruppe M induction kit. It put a smile on my face every time I drove it though once I had the Gruppe M fitted as the sound it made during VTEC was incredible. Performance wise I obviously didn't gain anything really especially without a remap (K100/KPro) but it made the car great fun for me to drive and only cost a total of £600 odd for the exhaust & induction kit. Peace. Fair point, it would cost a lot more, but was worth it! Massive difference to standard ( I did also have handling & braking mods to cope with the power). Correct, it's not all about how much bhp you can get, but, the drivability of a charged EP3 was far better (and I actually had better fuel economy when mapped and set up) 👠I also accept what you are saying about the induction and exhaust being enough for most people, especially for the sound. Personally I prefer not to have much induction noise, and like to keep my cars looking stock for that extra 'surprise' (kept original back box on the exhaust - good for 300bhp). Each to their own ;-)
  2. No I haven't, for the reasons I stated. I had all the mods I mentioned tho! And never needed a CAI to produce 300bhp. The gruppe M is a nice piece of kit, but isn't required and is expensive for what it actually does. Agreed its not cheap to add all the mods I've mentioned, although most can be picked up 2nd hand nowadays, and all can be resold later (as I did). But all that power in a relatively light (by today's standards) gives a very quick car
  3. Gruppe M overpriced and overrated! Add a k-pro, spoon b-pipe, DC sports down pipes and a panel filter - then a JRSC 😈, 300bhp and 1250kgs.
  4. Yup, I'd take a TTRS over a Scirocco R, even if it meant saving up an extra bit of cash. Me too, but its not a patch on the GTR, not by a long way.. Really? And that's 'only' a stage 1 remap! Then you can go onto stage 2, loba hybrid and then APR stage 3!
  5. Invidia! 51/49 now 😄
  6. Really enjoying the friendliness and humour on this forum, unlike some of the bitching and arguing on some of the other forums (different manufacturer 😉) I use. Well done guys ðŸ‘
  7. F#€king a**holes! 😡. Why can't people like this just go walk out in front of a bus and get it over with! People work hard and save to purchase their pride and joy and some lowlife thinks they can go round doing this just because they haven't got enough about them to get out there and earn money to buy one themselves. I was talking to a guy a while ago who had his car keyed because he had the name of the footy team he supported on the number plate! Fortunately they caught the ****** who did it? Calm down, rant over
  8. That's what I find strange, it does sound quite good using other formats just not the radio?? I'll maybe drop Darren a PM and ask him. I know how to get into the secret menu, I'll give that a try when I get home, cheers!
  9. I recently bought a 2010 370z roadster (Bose, sat nav) and when listening to the radio it sounds like listening to a mobile phone (no bass at all and very tinny) even adjusting the sound settings doesn't help. But, when listening to a Cd or the music box the sound is quite good and full of bass. I've searched the forums but can't find an answer, and don't understand why it should be like this? It's spoiling the overall enjoyment of the car as I usually listen to the radio most of the time, but I'm finding that it sounds so bad I have to listen to CD's. any advice greatfully received
  10. Getting a front lip and side diffusers painted/fitted soon, may ask how much to fill the holes and spray the front bumper. Think it will look much better, just a pain in the ass/wallet to get the clean look!
  11. When it should be like this! Was looking forward to removing the plate and fitting a show'n'go!
  12. 'Favourite roads in the dry' - that'll be in about 6months then! :-)
  13. Running OEM Bridgestones but tread depth is ~5-6mm, it appears from all the comments that these will need changing to MPSS asap. Roads damp, TC on. Not had alignment checked yet (only had the car a few weeks) so will get this done soon, and pressures were down a little when I checked them. I'm not coming directly from a vtec (had the S2000 ~4years ago), had a V8 RS4 for a couple of years and V5 TTRS for the last 18months so I'm used to low down torque. Looks like I'm going to have to (gently) learn how to handle this particular car :-). Thanks for all the replies guys ðŸ‘
  14. Ha ha, I've only been on this forum 5mins and sussed already! 😄
  15. It was in auto kick down, but NOT full throttle, that's why I was so surprised at it spinning up. I'm sure I'll get used to it 😄. It's a good few years since I had the S2000.
  16. Cheers Octet, as stated earlier I'm a new owner, and have followed your build thread with great interest but I fear you could get me into trouble with her indoors - I promised not to modify this car, but have already started and keep getting so many ideas off this forum! 😄
  17. No mods to suspension, only mod is an exhaust. Haven't touched traction control, but will double check to ensure it is on! Thanks guys ðŸ‘
  18. No, what I said was its not excessively powerful, meaning a lot of Z's are modified and hence more powerful than standard 😉. If mine spins modified ones must be treacherous in anything but dry conditions, is what I meant 😄
  19. Yes it's on standard Bridgestone tyres
  20. I've only had my 370z roadster (auto) for a month or so and just wanted to ask the more experienced Z owners a question. This is only the 2nd RWD car I've had (had an S2000a few years ago) and it seems to spin up the rear wheels a bit too easily. I know the roads this time of year are cold and wet/damp, but I don't thrash this car (not confident in it yet),and it's got good tread on the tyres. Please don't shoot me down as i really do like this car, but it's not excessively powerful or fast in standard trim. I'm just wondering if this behaviour is normal or do I need to have the car checked out? Cheers Dave
  21. Stop drooling and get spending! Too much Jock in u! Ha ha
  22. What's all this 'wash, wax,polish' malarkey? Just get in the bloody thing and drive the ass off it! :-)
  23. When I dropped my Audi ttrs (highly modified) off at Audi main dealer for a service the 'customer service advisor' asked if it was ok for the mechanic to take the car for a short 'test' drive following the service to ensure everything was ok. I said I wasn't keen on it but would allow it, but asked him to tell the mechanic that the car was in valet mode and wouldn't rev over 3000rpm so not to think it was a problem, and under NO circumstances to upload any software updates. Guess what - they didn't bother test driving it! Hmmmmm. I was glad tho.
  24. 😳 Would that be another 10% off the introductory price of the 370 side diffusers?
  25. I knew it wouldn't be long before u got in there! Ha ha
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