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Everything posted by Davectr

  1. Depends on the weather 😄
  2. Can you get £150 in the tank? Not that I would ever want to! I'd be surprised (unless petrol is extremely expensive in his area!) as I put in £92 the other day and I was nearly empty (3 lights still lit up), I doubt very much I could've got another £60's worth in, £20 maybe
  3. Continuing what seems to be a popular theme today . . . . . . . . How very gay! 😄 (And leaves the room in a hurry 😄)
  4. I'll marry you if you are gonna buy me that to run round in! 😄
  5. What is this diesel stuff you all keep talking about? í ½í¸
  6. 😳 never thought of that 😄
  7. Couldn't agree more. Have just been out in mine, parked up in a little market town for a walk about. As I came back a while later I noticed a Porsche 911 parked next to mine, and a crowd of boys approached mine and started looking all over it. They never even glanced at the porker! 😄 .
  8. Very, very nice car you have there mate! Why not do something totally individual with the centre caps, such as hydro dipping them in your own design then they won't look OEM or BMW? 😄
  9. Pull's up a chair, kicks off slippers. Right, i'm ready to follow this one with interest
  10. Veeerrrrrrry Niiiiiiiiiice . Where abouts in the North East?
  11. If only I wasn't offshore I'd be up for this! 😡
  12. They look sh**, handle like sh** and drive like sh**! I must be getting old, I just don't get it 😄
  13. Ok mate, perhaps it's just the photo quality, but the drivers seat looks really worn
  14. Nice looking car, but have those seats really only done 33k miles? 😳 they look more like they've done 133k miles!
  15. Here's some more pics Car hasn't been lowered, but I probably couldn't now with the lip on, need to go slowly over speed bumps. Occasionally when pushing it on a bit on a bumpy country road the front scrapes a little (which always sounds worse than it actually is). No, nowhere near Glasgow I'm afraid :-). North East England
  16. Get loads of positive comments, nearly always followed by "what is it?" 😄
  17. Is anyone off here going along to this? It's on the 8th June. I went a few years back and was quite good, I believe it's much bigger now. I'll be going down if the weathers ok, but not in the Z unfortunately
  18. +1, Duncan supercharged my Civic type r EP3 many years ago, great guy
  19. My sentiments exactly! I managed 40miles between MOT's last year, and I'm on for beating that this year with a current total of .......... Errrr 0miles 😳
  20. Phew! Thank god mines a 2010, could've been in a lot of trouble there 😄
  21. Looking very good, it's amazing what these companies can do
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