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Everything posted by Davectr

  1. Ha ha, nice one Keyser! Probably would've looked better without you in the picture tho 😉
  2. Great job done, looking forward to seeing what's coming next
  3. not long enough to just hang it out the window? sorry, but someone had to crack that joke No where near, unfortunately 😄
  4. I knew it was wrong, but I needed to get home to use the loo! 😄
  5. And, so it begins 😄 It was always gonna happen Adrian, despite all your denials 😉
  6. Welcome along, looking forward to seeing it progress
  7. Is Stardast the Japanese version of Blue Peter? 😳
  8. Use a small stud extractor, a bit like a reverse spiral drill bit. Or maybe even superglue a drill bit onto the snapped off piece then use that to twist it out, it shouldn't be in too tight
  9. Please, please, please don't put that amuse rear on, it looks like it's been designed by a 3 year old!
  10. C'mon now Adrian, we all know that statement isn't true! 😄
  11. Some great pics there guys, looks like it was a crackin time. Remind me again while we weren't all invited? 😄
  12. Amazing pics, and some amazing cars! That is how to holiday 😄
  13. OMG, gutted for you Andy. Thank god you are OK. As traumatic as it is (mentally and financially) it is only a car which can be replaced - you couldn't mate.
  14. And me too please You have PM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. JoshC You have PM Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
  16. I Love this Zed. The Do Luck kit suits it so much (even in Kia red 😄)
  17. Thanks very much. They were done by a company called headlightretrofits in Dumbarton. As for cost it depends on what you want doing, but their pricing is very reasonable Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
  18. Don't know what this lot are on about! Spend it on beer and lap dancers 😄
  19. Doing nothing? 😳. She's been out twice this year I'll have you know! 😄.
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