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Everything posted by Davectr

  1. Just had a look at mine, it had this advisory - Advisory notice item(s) Under-trays fitted obscuring some underside components Engine covers fitted obscuring some components in the engine bay Now surely these cant be advisory's - they're standard equipment! They're on most cars ffs. Do they actually mean they can't be arsed to remove them to check the car properly?
  2. This is how Zeditis starts - small 😄. Nice little touches tho
  3. They are consistently rated very highly in security tests, probably the best steering wheel locking device you can buy. Albeit they are a bit cumbersome, but a good deterrent
  4. Sh1t! You didn't tell me that when I was handing over all that cash 😱
  5. Mmmmm, c'mon Bri tell us more 😄. I keep telling the other half I'm not selling a car again, just buying and collecting but she won't have it (neither will the auld bank account 😞)
  6. Congrats on all the hard work Si, it looks stunning in the sunshine! Definitely a keeper that one, just needs new turbo's and injectors 😜
  7. Congratulations Adrian, best toy you will ever get!
  8. That situation could be easily rectified! :lol: You're persistant Adrian, I'll give you that 😄
  9. Does this count? Will you all leave me alone now? 😄. Got this after reading a lot of positive reports on the U.S. Forums. It took all of 5mins to fit MUST LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN FOR 5MINS BEFORE STARTING TO PREVENT A CEL Unclip this cover Remove these two 10mm bolts Slide the whole pedal assembly forward about an inch to unhook the front clip. Unplug the multiplug on the back of the pedal, clip in the sprint booster plug then put the original multiplug into the other end of the sprint booster cable. Plug in the switch cable to the White socket and run it to where-ever you want to fit it. I put my switch here for now while I test it So, first impressions: I've only had a few runs up and down the local bypass but I've got to say I'm pleased with it. There is definitely an improvement in throttle response and gear change (mines an auto btw). On the fastest (red) setting the car feels much sharper, and because the throttle 'thinks' it's further open than it is the kickdown comes in earlier and smoother, and (for me, anyway) feels like the car should be like from the factory. Obviously i need to test it for longer, and over more varied conditions but for me it's definitely worth the money. Oh and I got one of these Butchered one of these And ended up with one of these 😄 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Yeah, if you have a look in my build thread - 'My "I'm not gonna mod this car' roadster" there's pics in there Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Obviously not that rare then 😄
  12. Great looking car, and it's going to look amazing with those wheels on ðŸ‘
  13. I can vouch for the work from Headlightretrofits. I must admit I was nervous sending my headlights away due to the cost of replacements if anything went wrong, but I've got to say I'm really impressed with their work (and price). Very happy customer ðŸ‘
  14. Bloody hell bodyboarder, how tall are you? 😄
  15. Thanks Jonny Nooooooooo! Don't you start as well 😄
  16. STOP IT! STOP IT! You know I'm weak 😄. Anyway, you're too busy 😋
  17. It can be awkward using an IPad, I've been struggling to add my pics. I found that by opening the individual pics in photo bucket then selecting IMG and copying it from here worked better than trying to do it from the thumbnails (I don't know why but it did for me)
  18. I've posted one for the 18th Oct if that's any good for you? How's your car now, did you get it all sorted?
  19. The shite t'internet out here! You know the score 😃
  20. New Fujimura front bumper to go on Needs a bit of prep work first Ready for new side skirts On to wing mirrors - Base plates for a 350z as no-one does anything for the 370z Not a good fit (as expected) Drastic action required And the finished article (well, I say finished 😄) That's all folks! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  21. Happy birthday Humpy, have a good'un!
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